Reviews for Close Enough to Touch
Emzieluvsbooks chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
Love this story! Love it :)
Larner chapter 1 . 9/13/2010
Beautiful cooperation between man and mount. Good to know they have one another's backs.
Thundera Tiger chapter 1 . 5/19/2010
My dear, dear friend, I cannot believe that I have missed this story. This is...this is absolutely splendid. Fantastic! You have built such a mood of suspense and anticipation. I was practically crawling and hiding alongside both Eomer and Firefoot. There's practically no dialogue to speak of, yet much is still spoken. Firefoot speaks. Eomer speaks. They speak through actions, and you can feel the link that connects these two. They're the perfect team, and Eomer...what a characterization! He's smart, cagey, shrewd, sly, brave, loyal, and almost a little too bold for his own good. I can see what got him into trouble in the politics of Rohan, and I can see what made him such an asset to both Theoden and Aragorn. I was blown away by your descriptions. I actually had chills creeping over me when the orcs got close, and I felt like shouting right alongside Eomer once he started back toward his men. You've nailed his character, and you've given Firefoot a brilliant characterization, too. I'm so sorry that I've missed this until now, but I'm glad that I did find it. Thank you!
LydiaB chapter 1 . 2/23/2007
What a wonderful description of the bond between horse and man!
Levade chapter 1 . 2/3/2006
What a little gem of a story! I'm sad to see it has so few reviewers, but so many good stories don't. I love the easy way Eomer and Firefoot interact and trust one another - something you only get from long interaction with a friend, especially of the equine persuasion. I know you know horses well, and it shows! I would love to see a drawing of Eomer laying there with Firefoot, watching the orcs pass but I can see it very clearly. I think you captured the relationship of the Rohirrm with their four-footed friends perfectly, Erin...and the concern of Eomer's men (and his lack) was the perfect touch for the end. Great job!
ellennar chapter 1 . 10/30/2004
Very nice! Eomer doesn't get enough 'screen time' in either the books or the movies. And my horses always liked it when I talked to them - so maybe we're not so nuts right?
Kayden Eidyak chapter 1 . 7/5/2004
Oh! Oh! That was fun! Very exciting and suspensful. You should have seen me crouched in my chair when Eomer was hiding. I didn't want the orcs to see me. ;) Right then, I think I've one more of yours to read and then I'll be finished with your stuff. Making the rounds today, you know. :)
Darwin chapter 1 . 6/23/2004
Hey Erin,

Good to see a story from you again! This was a great story...very great indeed.

I can second the A/N 3 'Cause I talk to my horse constantly when I ride, and anyone who does can relate to that side of a fellow rider.

I'm hoping that you will feel up to a POTC tale soon so I can hear our favorite characters regale themselves again~

Good stuff

Have a great day

sg1scribe chapter 1 . 6/23/2004
This is a delightful tale. Very much enjoyed the way you focus on the trust between horse and rider. The Eomer/Firefoot relationship is a very one of mine. I ride a bit, but not very well, but have always dreamed of being at one with a horse.
Eokat chapter 1 . 6/22/2004
I read this on HASA and enjoyed it immensely as I do all your Eomer stories. You do write Rohan so well as I think I have told you before. Eokat.
geekmama chapter 1 . 6/22/2004
Very nicely done. I don't read much LotR stuff, but you stick close enough to canon (the book's, that is) that I find I can enjoy your works, which are always beautifully written, of course.

I found A/N #1 interesting-I enjoy reading about the old west (I am a distant cousin of Zane Grey, in fact), and that poem sounds good. I'll have to see if I can find a copy.