Reviews for Rapture
IchigoLazer75 chapter 1 . 5/6/2008
Loved it!_ you are good at this stuff. Awesome story!_
Kitten Kisses chapter 1 . 2/25/2006
Really pretty piece of writing you've got here. I think it's done really nice. ) I love how it turned out. Great work!
ABeautifulDisgrace chapter 1 . 9/28/2005
I agree, DXR fluff is the sweetest. *sighs contently* I :heart: this fanfic. Short, beautiful, sweet, to the point, and just so well done on so many levels.
xFilipina-Angelx chapter 1 . 8/28/2004
i liked it. _
Jess Angel chapter 1 . 7/17/2004
I've been away from this particular fandom far too long - in the spheres of both reading and writing. _ Nothing's coming to me in the writing department (still I refuse to say I'm 'retired' from the G Gundam section, and instead, imagine I'm on 'hiatus'). Must remember to check in for new fics.


Moving along, this was a lovely, lovely piece of work, SporkGoddess. There's an almost poignant feeling about it underneath ... Think it was because of Domon noticing all these sad undercurrents in Rain. It was very touching ... Bravo.


Hah! And sappy? You've got to be kidding me. It was sweet but not overly so. This fic fits a category I like to call "Realistically Sweet" (cavity-free sweetness ... aka the kind that doesn't induce vomiting). C'mon, you've read my writing. Nothing but gag-factor. _-


On with the quality writing, SporkGoddess!


Jess 0:o)
Wolf Jade chapter 1 . 6/29/2004
this is cool. i like it. no i love it.
sock-her chick 101 chapter 1 . 6/27/2004
u got to do another chapter. cause i liked this one but i dont think it ended right,like the story,the chapter ended fine but this cant b all so i think u should do another chapter ok

Black Joker Lady chapter 1 . 6/17/2004
Aw! Amai desu! Such a sweet story! I really like how you said that Domon and Rain's communication was well... Gah. I can't word it! Demo, it was really fluffy. I like Domon and Rain's communication. (How Domon will just say her name. That's great!) A really good story. Wonderfully well written, as always.

Ryan chapter 1 . 6/17/2004
Jen's right, these storys are very nice to read and I definately enjoy them.

Now I'm off to search online for the X soundtracks for the song you just used.
Namaida chapter 1 . 6/17/2004
Hey Sporkgoddess: This story is great! I love Domon and Rain fics. Please keep me updated. Ok? Good luck! Namaida. :}
Jen23 chapter 1 . 6/17/2004
Spork Goddess, you can't imagine how much I have been craving to read a new Domon and Rain story like this one. It was so sweet, wonderful and very true to character and I've expressed before that I think that you really write very well. I loved that Rain's energy was just as strong as Domon's, which I kind of think it would be since she had been loving him for quite a while by that time. Here's a request-Why don't you post some more of your stories that you have written? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to read them.
kishiria chapter 1 . 6/16/2004
Yeah, too lazy to log in...I really do like your writing. I don't like G-Gundam, but I'll read anything you write about it.

This was fluff, and sweet, and though innocent full of the characters' desire. But it's all good; we know they were meant for each other, right?

Only gripe..."the slender appendages on which she walked" just goes CLUNK as a phrase. I know you were probably banging your head on the desk trying to work out that sentence, but you probably just could have said, "Her t-shirt was high enough to show an expanse of leg."
Cari Shidao chapter 1 . 6/16/2004
Excelent! I love the wat the story is set up, you are truely a wonderful author. DomonxRain is one of my favorite pairings!
Shuffle Queen chapter 1 . 6/16/2004
Oh, it was so sweet . Domon/Rain fluff *sigh* I hope you post more of your fluff vignettes; makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. What a sharp contrast to my earlier feelings on the site today ~_ But still so much happiness from both 'events'. Keep up the great work!

~Shuffle Queen~
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