Reviews for The Essence of Us
Beloved Daughter chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
I do love happy endings. Gives hope for when things are dark. :)

Anyway, thanks for writing and posting this story. I enjoyed reading it.
Arsenic chapter 1 . 10/23/2012
Aw! *tear* loved it!
Sarra Torrens chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
This one totally made me smile! I am still Grinning about it with a capital 'G' as it were! More please?
Silver Warrior chapter 1 . 1/27/2007
wow, that Totally cool! I liked it. Though the idea of a guy being in a girls head is just wiggy. And I love the way Faith talks. Blunt, no holds barred, no punches pulled honesty.
Bobboky chapter 1 . 1/19/2006
very good
APS chapter 1 . 1/10/2006
Great story,

keep up the good work.

Opinions are like assholes.

Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
onlimain chapter 1 . 2/12/2005
I read this story a while ago and thought-and still do think-that this story was great. I didn't review because I don't normally have anything to say other than 'I enjoyed the story' and that's not very useful. I occasionally check the reviews to read other people's opinions and when I read Jason Barnett's review, I had to respond.

I was also iffy about Buffy leaving Dawn behind at first, but, in the end, I agreed to Buffy's reasoning in the story. If Buffy had had to bring Dawn along, she would never have dealt with her emotional baggage effectively because she would have had to pretend to Dawn that everything was alright between them. That definitely would have lead to Buffy resenting her, if only a little bit.

As for the opinion that all Buffy has been doing since Season 5 is try to leave her, I don't see it that way. According to Jason Barnett, the best way for Buffy to prove her love to Dawn was to let her die-there is definitely something wrong with that line of thinking. Buffy found a way to save Dawn (who she loves) and the world, so she did what she realized was best. She knew her friends would take care of Dawn; she already got Spike's promise. As for Season 6, it is my opinion that Dawn is the only reason why Buffy continued to live-because she had to protect her. The only time she came close to giving up and giving in was when Sweet came into town and Buffy almost danced herself to death. This is a perfect example of why Buffy was right in not taking Dawn with her at the end of the story. In Season 6, Buffy had to pretend to everyone that she was dealing with her issues and that they didn't affect her much. She was too busy pretending that all was right with the world that she didn't really take much notice of what was going on around her. Naturally, she sought out Spike, the only person she didn't have wear a mask around, because it gets really tiring having to pretend all the time. If Buffy had taken Dawn, she probably would have spent a lot of time with Daniel and SG-1, causing Dawn even more abandonment issues.

As for the 'accidental murder' of Katrina, it would have made Buffy a hypocrite if she didn't attempt to turn herself in. The major conflict between Buffy and Faith started when Faith refused to accept responsibility for the accidental murder of the Deputy Mayor. She had to face the consequences of her actions, even if it included jail.

Buffy had to focus on the SITs. They were sent to her so that she could protect them, much like how Dawn was. It was up to her to train them to fight and defend themselves. She has recently just got her life back on track and everyone always expects her to handle everything that is thrown at her. She can't be every single thing everybody wants her to be: the caring friend, perfect slayer, doting sister, and fierce leader. (All the while dealing with the souled version of the guy who tried to rape her, handle watching potentials die in her dreams, and trying to make sure she makes all the right decisions, along with a whole lot of other junk.) When Buffy sent Dawn away with Xander, I viewed it as the time she sent her mom away during graduation. Of course, she should have known it wouldn't work (and she probably did know it), but she had to at least try to keep Dawn safe.

Yes, Daniel did remark that they were just children, but I think he understood that they were a part of the fight, no matter how unfair. Of course, that doesn't stop him from trying to help them or, if possible, to fight in their stead. He agreed with Buffy and actually encouraged her to return to the vineyard. He trusted her instincts. All Daniel said was that she had children watching her back and that's why the plan failed. He did say though, that if it had just been her and the Scoobies, the plan would have had a better chance at succeeding.

It is my opinion that it was Dawn's own insecurities that lead to her kicking Buffy out. Her abandonment issues, combined with 'Joyce's' warning resulted in her striking first before Buffy could 'not choose her.'

I never liked how everyone mutinied and kicked her out. A part of me always wandered if some of them wanted Buffy dead. I mean, they did come up with the plan to capture the bringer. They knew that an emotionally unstable person leaving the safety of the house would draw the attack of bringers-and what was Buffy at that point if not an emotionally unstable person? Frankly, I'm surprised the First didn't take that chance to get rid of Buffy for good. By kicking Buffy out, her friends took away all her reasons for living. It was like Angelus had said, 'No weapons, no friends, no hope...' What did she really have left? Herself?-According to her friends, that wasn't much. If Caleb, a bringer or even a fledgling had attacked her, I don't think she would have put up much of a fight. It bothered me when no one even felt bad about kicking her out of her own house that she had welcomed them into, with the exception of Dawn when she told Giles she felt wrong for doing it (or close enough), Faith because she didn't mean to take over, and, to some extent, Amanda when she said she felt like they were being punished. Other than them, no one else seemed like they felt the need to apologize or anything. This was the second time Buffy had been kicked out of her house, by a family member no less. Joyce, I could kind of understand because it was a lot of stuff to process and she couldn’t fully comprehend everything yet. She said the only thing she could think of to get Buffy to stay. The Scoobies, however, knew exactly what was going on and kicked her out regardless. One has to wonder what their thought process was.

When Buffy chose to leave, it was because she no longer wanted to act like she was okay with everything and everybody. If she had stayed with them, it would have been a repeat of Season 6—Buffy pretending to be okay with everyone after the betrayal of her by the Scoobies. I happen to think that the story did have a happy ending. Contacting the Scoobies for reconciliation after she had finally dealt with her issues is a big step in the right direction. I would have liked to see the gang meet and hash out all their problems, explaining to each other their individual actions. Nevertheless, ending on the this note is more than acceptable.
Jason Barnett chapter 1 . 2/1/2005
I don't agree that it's a happy ending. Buffy abandon's Dawn for at least a year. Dawn's just a kid, and despite what Buffy says about loving her all she has done since season 5 has been try to leave her. She took Dawn's place, leaving her alone in the world, remember their father is absent. Then she tries to turn herself in to go to jail for an accident. Then she focuses on the Slayers-in-training. Then she tries to have Xander take her out of town. And now this abandonment. Frankly I want to see a screaming match with Dawn throwing large heavy things at Buffy's head screaming about how none of that stuff would have happened if Buffy had let her sacrifice herself. And why did she have to stop her. She loved her so much that she's left Dawn alone for years

It also kind of screws up the fact that Daniel made a point of the SITs being children. He basically said they weren't ready to fight. Which means Buffy's decision to take them back out was a bad one. Which means the Scoobies did the right thing by doing whatever they had to to keep Buffy from leading them back into battle.

If they'd made amends it would've been a great story. But so many people feel like Buffy has to leave, to get even or something. I always feel like if Buffy leaves then that should be it. Their friendship is done.
Lexandria chapter 1 . 1/14/2005
This is a very inventive story, much different from what I have seen before, in BtVS SG crossovers. I'm so glad to see someone be origonal as you have! also, I wish you would do a sequel to this.. it's.. so many wonderful words to describe the.. great-ness of this story!

I liked the details you put into the story, the thoughtful ness.. and now I have to go and read some of your other stories, if any catch my interest, because this is the first one I've read.. and you're such a talented author! I would so love to see a sequel!

I live for reviews too.. only no one ever leaves a nice long one for me.. or hardly ever does anyway, so I'll try to leave a nice long one for you!

I noticed you had almost no errors in spelling or grammar.. wich is nice and amazing, because most stories I find have atleast a fiew. you must work hard proofreading this! you had the characters down so well! You have everything thought out and precise! it's wonderful.. I don't know what else to say!

love the story!
zayra chapter 1 . 9/4/2004
That was really fun to read...daniel is a cutie and that episode were she was kicked out kinda messed with my head coz they were all happy puppies after she saved their asses. You've got the goods. Keep it up.
bbloodred chapter 1 . 8/25/2004
i have been reading a lot of stories as of late

and this is by far one of the BEST. i really think that u should do a sequel very soon to see what happens with SG1 and the scoobies.
Philomena chapter 1 . 8/1/2004
Amber Penglass chapter 1 . 6/29/2004
*dies* I LOVE THIS! I really can't express how much I enjoyed this unique, well-done, fluffy, active, amusing, sweet piece of art.
twistedtnredhead chapter 1 . 6/28/2004
This is a great story. It was very origional how you had Daniel and Buffy meet. I am in awe of writers. I don't know where you come up with all of the ideas.

I had to laugh at the 'kinky collection of thong underwear'. And 'just remembering it fondly... with lips', had me rolling. That Daniel would make a mental note to tell Jack about that one was great. It was such a Jack moment.

I haven't seen season 7, so I can't comment on how the others treated her, but I am glad that she had someone (Daniel/Faith) on her side.

I thought it was cool that Thor was able to save the Magic Box. Did Buffy keep that or give it back to Giles? Or did it even matter?

Why is it that the best stories are the ones that are finished? Heehee.

Mara Jade Jedi chapter 1 . 6/22/2004
Great work!

very touching and i love the way that it deals with the scooby problem.

Well done!
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