Reviews for Lifting Curses and Mending Broken Wings
Gami0201 chapter 11 . 11/14/2006
man you had me ready to cry there, actually you know what i think i got alittle teary eyed. damn that was good.
Hitokimi chapter 11 . 12/3/2005
Aw this was such a cute ending. And it leds to so much more. You could carry a second part to this like what happens when they are out, do they live beside eachother and not know it..goto the same school or is there a more divine reason for the wings Oo so many questions. This story realy had me the whole way through I loved it.
Kali Desarai chapter 1 . 10/13/2005
Kuiya, gurlie! This so has got to be one of my favoritest ever! *sigh* I really love this story, and I really need to update my own! ARGH! Lol!
jormaume chapter 11 . 9/15/2005
*cries* I don't want it to end! I'm not ready! So now I must go read all of your other stories. This was truly amazing. I feel priveleged that I got to read it, I really do. And I can't wait to talk to you about it and gush.
jormaume chapter 10 . 9/15/2005
ha HA! I rock.. no deadishness... otherwise how would the last chapter title, or the title of the story for that matter, make sense? The wings still have to be mended *hugs you* I love you! And your fic!
jormaume chapter 9 . 9/15/2005
i know he's not dead because your story wouldn't make sense... *is in denial* it's hard to keep reading all this depressing material.. anyhow.. short was an understatement for this chap, sweetheart. But i love you so it's okay! ..If Heero really is dead then duo should kill himself damn soon because I can't read all this! It's very good... So good that it is evoking plenty of pent-up emotions in me, dearest. You sure do know how to draw in a reader and get a reaction. Screw those assholes who told you you're not good enough, this is the best thing I've read in ages, honestly. And I will tell you that I have never had such a strong reaction to anything I've read in the past, on fictionpress or elsewhere... even published books. You have an amazing talent and I'm sure that your other reviewers would agree with me.
jormaume chapter 8 . 9/15/2005
*cries* he can't be dead... it can't work that way, it's supposed to turn out all lovely and such. kmanrs'n fbnjkrf *is wary of reviewing*
jormaume chapter 7 . 9/15/2005
first of all, I don't care what Duo wants, I want a beautiful, hot, passionate scene! *cries* Ugh, the Heero thing reminded me of one of my nights.. and of sean... and of everything else *emotional breakdown* I love you... It's a very good story.. and I am going to gaim composure before continuing to read and review
jormaume chapter 6 . 9/15/2005
hey.. that was a really short chap *cries* oh well, at least it was awesomely good. This excites me! Yay for love! Yay for homosexuality! Yay for your writing abilities! *lacks good reviewing skills* FORWARD MARCH! More chapters await my undying attention
jormaume chapter 5 . 9/15/2005
ahh! I knew it had to be Quatre that he was switching with. yess! I predict a lovely lovely future with this story. Props to you, my dear
jormaume chapter 4 . 9/15/2005
You should send me that poem, dearest, I'd like to read it. This chapter was interesting. Not in an "it was... interesting" way, but in a "wow that was interesting and I had to keep reading it' way. I am glad that Duo got back to his room, but I am not pleased with the reactions that the other boys have to him . oh well, I'm sure they'll get used to him again. Yeah, Heero reminds me of a lot of people.. me, you, leigh, etc etc...and for so many suicidal kids out there, and so many explanations "i do it to bleed; to relieve stress; to do this or that" it's a wonder that people still think it's to kill oneself. Rarely is that the case, and anyway, it's a passive suicidal condition. Okay, no more rants for this review.
jormaume chapter 3 . 9/15/2005
YAY! I love the way Heero and Duo act with each other. It makes meh happy. And I love this story. *feels sad for duo* Bad Heero! Bad! Cuttingnot good. Merp. This story makes me feel strange
jormaume chapter 2 . 9/15/2005
haha, pertaining to fei: pobrecito... no one in GW loves him :(

As for the story: yays! Your stories are the only things that keep me entertained these days.. that and talking to you... if you ever got on for a long period of time . Anyway, I heart this. It almost makes me want to go to Lewis Gale... but they're all full. I shall be very excited to see how it turns out with our lovers and friends. Onward we go!

-your darling echo... and no, it was not supposed to rhyme .
jormaume chapter 1 . 9/13/2005
mrawr. I love this story already. I shall make sure to lovingly review every chapter. *huggles le feifei-kins* I love my druggie :)
Kali Desarai chapter 11 . 8/24/2005
Chica, this has got to be my newest favorite story! I really love it!
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