Reviews for StarFox: Strings
Kazen chapter 25 . 8/21/2004
That was quite a gripping tale; I couldn't stop reading from the first couple paragraphs. The characters were well fleshed out with realistic and identifiable personalities. Lenghty, but engrossing, which I like in a story. A few things that got to me: I was rather lost and confused as to the events surrounding Wolf attaining his new identity, of course having one's reader empathize with the characters is definately a good thing. Then, how shortly after Jade hung Damon out a window as a joke then asking for forgiveness therafter seemed a tad uncharacteristic. Bill's death had me despairing, which almost had me put it down. Course, as a result I really hope Leon has a fitting end in the sequel. I have yet to read it, but I certainly will find the time to do so.
Destructor chapter 25 . 7/27/2004
And with that, this story comes to an end. And a very good story at that.

As a whole, this was one of those stories that never let go after the first chapter. There was always something lurking around the next corner, the next chapter, making the reader continue to read long into the night.

Now go write a sequel or something. I want to see more of your works.
Destructor chapter 15 . 7/24/2004
Well, to be honest, I started reading, and upon hitting the end of this chapter, I decided it was time to give the author a review that he so well deserved.

Outstanding story so far. The reader never knows where you're going to take this story, who's going to be (or tried to be) killed next, or what is going to happen. And it's a story that keeps the reader glued to his seat, waiting for the next chapter (or in my case, to read the next one).

May the rest of the story turn out to be as good as everything I've read so far!
Trippy Zanbato chapter 25 . 7/24/2004
Aw... *tear* How cute!
Jack Stryker chapter 25 . 7/24/2004
Quite a heart warming chapter. You know, that father/son part kind of reminded me of a scene from the movie Dick Tracy, where the kid visits Tracy and tells him that he finally chose a name. Then he shows him his detective certificate with the name Dick Tracy Jr. on it. Anyway, this is really getting good. I hope to see more of it soon.
duestchlanda vut chapter 25 . 7/23/2004
Ehh... Okay. I think the "My family..." thing is a little corny, and i completely hate the Krystals pregnant thing, but thats my opinion. The real question is will Wolf get his old body back? That would be cool.
duestchlanda vut chapter 24 . 7/20/2004
Excellent. I love the sacrifice of Jades life for the destruction of the enemy army, and how leon fell off the castle, only to land in his wolfen. I think that you should have Sirius tell everyone his true identity and have him put back into his old body (Tell me if u need an idea on how they preserved his old body). Other than that, cool!
Chicobo329 chapter 1 . 7/19/2004
A delightfuly disturbing story :D It's a really good dark/action/thriller/thing. And I also must say that you handled Wolf O'Donnell very well. I know it's probably not over yet, so I'll wait for more before I make some final thoughts.
Trippy Zanbato chapter 24 . 7/18/2004
How about a fourth review, eh? It's rather sad, you know, about Jade, and what Obsidian does for her... Yet, even though the fic is fictional, it seems to be as close to real life as possible. Keep up the good work!
duestchlanda vut chapter 23 . 7/17/2004
Nice! I just got home from camp and i read the 10 chapters you wrote while i was gone. PRetty cool
Jack Stryker chapter 23 . 7/16/2004
Alright! This is really starting to get exciting. I liked Pepper's encouragement speech too. Great work on this chapter.
AmberRose chapter 19 . 7/10/2004
This story is just awesome. Really, I mean it. I sometimes start reviews like that to soften the bad things I will bring up later, but this isn't one of those reviews. It's just incredibly thick plotted (which I just love! I hate predictable plots) and the characters are being very well developed. There are very minor things that bug me though. One or two typos, depending on how long the chapter is, are acceptable, but I find more than that sometimes. Also, I'm just boggled with the way you've done some of the characters. Not boggled in a bad way, just... mystified. Leon, I can see him as being a psyco, but you've made him into something that I can't even name. And now that we know his motivation... I find it hard to believe that someone who can kill so rampantly for so many years could simply stop once he's done with Star Fox. And Damon is an interesting one. He will have a purpose eventually, right? I'm sure. I would like to see him overcome his self esteem issues. Good thing someone is sticking up for him. And Wolf, he's the one I'm most boggled by. Somehow, I just don't think I can believe that all Star Fox would come to think he wasn't a bad guy after one video clip. Like those Nazi leaders went home each day to their families. They kissed their wives and hugged their children. They also did kill them all eventually too...

So it's just great so see such a well written story on the Pit. Great job. Update soon

PrettyWithAJadedPistol chapter 18 . 7/5/2004
That is the last time I'll let myself fall behind. ::exhausted from reading so much::

Excellent story. You play off each other nicely. Keep it up. ::smiles::
Jack Stryker chapter 18 . 7/4/2004
Good chapter. I'm glad Obsidian's okay. I also chuckled along with Wolf, (or Sirus, whatever) when ROB told him what was on his memory. Keep it up, guys. You're doing good.
Trippy Zanbato chapter 16 . 6/30/2004
So yeah, this will be my third review. I'm just saying that the story is going excellently, but by any chance, is Sirus/Wolf going to tell Leon about himself right when he's at Leon's mercy? I find this quite likely to happen.
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