Reviews for Sons of Mexico
KrnYong chapter 35 . 12/19/2013
I know this fic is old by now, but I have to congratulate you on a fic well-written. The intricate plot made by Sands under his drug addled state is very impressive, and his last words are amazing, tying everything together. I loved the honorable, take-no-shit El Mariachi who was in character, as well as the conniving, ultimately (sorta) good Sands. I enjoyed this a lot, thanks for writing it.
Death-Muncher chapter 35 . 6/22/2010
I enjoyed your story! Excellent work :)
sugarbabe chapter 30 . 10/14/2007
like it! great writing :)
Loki-dieu-de-l'embrouille chapter 35 . 1/12/2007
Ho my god! You're a godess! I love your story, i love all of it, it's so intense, so well writing! What a shame that my english is so poor that i cannot say you all that I would like to say :( Here i'm reviewing at hot, and wow, you're so talented! I love your fic to the start at the end! And Sands...ho poor Sands! A cobaye! He become hooking against his's really moving! And the detox part, ho my god! I was there with him wiht El,I really saw them. Since the start in fact!

Your fic is one of the best i ever read!

I will never forget here! Never.I think that that would make an excellent sequel, you now, sincerely!

Then, veiled. I hope you read my comment one of this day! Thank you very very much! You made my night, you made my day, what do I say? You made my week, my month, my year, here!

A bientot, maybe?

PS: Please, forgive my spell, but english is not my first language, i'm french.
Alexandra P. Useless chapter 35 . 11/8/2006
An amazing story!
cbtreks chapter 35 . 11/15/2005
Finally, finally got to finish this over the weekend! (I was bad - printed it out then took it home.) This is so good - I know you're proud of this one and rightly so. Very vivid and in character. I think this could serve as a sequel to the movie. So glad I got to finish reading this one!
Rogue-Pirate chapter 35 . 10/21/2005
Woohoo...*loud jeering, cheering and a whole lot'a waving of arms* This was like I've read before. I loved the chapter 1,2,5 'everybody else counts to 3'

Anyway It's great I'm off to read your sequel. Thanks for this, tis great, really is...
Rogue-Pirate chapter 8 . 10/20/2005
Oh, 'I hope, I hope, I hope'-loved it! In fact I loved all the little images of a Sands high on coke, great idea. He's like an over-excitable child, except funnier, and more deadly!Loving the story, tis great!
Rogue-Pirate chapter 6 . 10/20/2005
No...Not coke!His nose will drop off!Ah crap...Shelly, behave, ya should have known betta than to be so stupid, how can ya kick the bad guy's(?)-worse guy's(!)-ass if ya too busy stuffing Charlie up ya nose!

He seems a little crazy in this chapter-I like it, he was never the most stable of minds!
Rogue-Pirate chapter 1 . 10/20/2005's safe to say that I recognise a few of thoses sentences, they seem Very fam-iliar...Now if only I could place them...

I'm only messin' with ya, I like what ya do, smooth, verry smooth!

It's definately got me intrigued, so I'm off to read more.
Chaosbeastie chapter 35 . 11/16/2004
Well, I'd have to re-read all her stories to tell for sure, but I think you topped Miss Becky!

Sands was such a $#$## $ double-dealing, double-crossing, evil bastard and adorably messed up at the same time. I loved it.

And this line: "I knew . . . you would do this . . . you . . . sanctimonious . . . son of a bitch." was perfect. Summarises both their characters really.
potatofreak chapter 35 . 9/13/2004
i loved your story, so well written and so incharacter. And i love the interaction between sands and el. would you be doing a sequel or another ouatim fanfic? I sound a bit desperate don't i? P
Banjo chapter 35 . 9/8/2004
Wow! Dude! That was an amazing ending! ...Oh my god... the end? No



You have to write another long fanfic like that!
TNCupRanch chapter 35 . 9/1/2004
OW! Now for a oncore, how about a part 2? Sequal?

Sylvia chapter 34 . 9/1/2004
Yes, that really was great! I finished your story the day before yesterday but I didn't seem to be able to get through with my review. But here I am. When I started to read your story I wasn't too sure I would like it. I don't mind Sands being a little evil. That's how he is. It's his character but there must be good in him, too. He is the hero. But as I went on reading I must admit I became an addict. You updated so regularly (thanks for that) and I was looking forward every morning to reading a new chapter. You made my days. The story is so good and the characters are perfect,too. I love it. And that's the point. You can't possibly stop here, now can you? What about a sequel? There are so many open questions! What will Sands be like after his ordeal and when he's clean? Will they become real friends? What about Lorenzo? What will he do when he learns that El didn't avenge Maria? What about the CIA? Have they given up on Sands? Please! This is too good to leave! You see, I'm begging! But anyway, thank you very much for writing this story. Great work!

Hope to hear from you. Sylvia
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