Reviews for Diamond in the Rough
Karaii chapter 4 . 7/29/2011
That was awesome. You got Turkish's voice down pat, and Tommy was golden the whole way through. Nearly broke my heart thrice, but so worth it. Great story.
SaintDogStreet chapter 4 . 2/2/2010
This story is sweet and dark and beautiful and I absolutely love it.
Alexistar chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
I love your story. It's so sweet, please write more.
Cohen's girl chapter 1 . 11/3/2006
This is brilliant. I don't know what else to say. Its just so good. I actually cried reading this, and there really aren't many fics out there that can do that to me.

Its really, really good and I'm really glad you wrote it. :)
LadyJanelly chapter 4 . 1/25/2005
Yeah, that wasnt something i would have expected,but it worked. Loved the last line.

You so have Turkish's mental voice there. I could hear him the whole way through.

Liked what you did with his background and the dead wife and all too.

good job.
Noelle chapter 1 . 12/28/2004
Dearest Madam Wander'r,

I would've liked to include my e-mail address, but please forgive, as my computer has begun another of many rebellions against me and I have yet to enlist one with more technilogical skill than I have possession of.

I have finished reading your fans fiction entitled "Diamond in the Rough" and felt compelled to empart onto you my high regards. Having recently veiwed the film, I must remark that you captured Turkish' speaking patturns marvelously, a talent found too far and between for my own preference.

I am no writer myself and thus by have no real grounds for lending opinion to those with the patience to complete works of the written word. And yet, I do make it my buisness to read, review and even edit a myriad of amateaur works.

I feel that it must also be asserted that my high aprooval for your or anyone's work is not given lightly. I have sent such notes as this only twice before in my expirience with online literature.

Without further ado, my point. Besides to marvel at the skill aparent, I meant to ask you if you have ever comsiderred writing any original works. You mastery of character is there and the same can be said for narration. The difference between the writings of amateaur fan work and realistic fiction is that one is masterpeice and the other is a paint by number. The only skill left for you to distribute to the world is the skill of creating and establishing your own plot, cast, and point.

But I have good feelings about your writing and do hope that you will consider writing original works thouroughly as well as encourage you to continue writing these wonderful fan's fictions that entertain me so.

Your's Truly, Nowelle de Champagne

Post Script: If you have any reply for me, I shall attempt to frequent your small biography on the
MicroCHips chapter 4 . 12/9/2004
I know it's been a long time since you wrote this fic, but I do have to say that I love it. Personally, I don't picture Tommy and Turkish in a slash fic, but maybe thats cause im not a slash fan. Anywho, loved it!
Harley chapter 4 . 9/16/2004
i love this story so much. especially since Snatch fanfic is so hard to find. so fantastic.
Rose Atlee chapter 4 . 9/13/2004
OMG! Beautifully written! Wonderful job!
sister x chapter 4 . 4/14/2004
Excuse me while I sob my eyes out. Fantastic story, dude. I know I'll be giving this another read.. or five.
Bento Box chapter 4 . 1/13/2004
Well, it's been three years since this was published but I know a good read when I find one! This was wonderfully written, the dialogue was real for me, and the characterization was beautiful. Ahh. Got all sappy, smiley-faced at the end there. *grin* Loved reading your story!
Stark Raving Sane chapter 4 . 8/12/2003
Oh my God. I'm speechless. Honestly. This story is so amazing it's beyond words. A story hasn't made me cry since I was eleven and seven years later you've got me sitting here crying like a baby.

This story had so much heart to it, even when Turkish screamed at Tommy, you could feel the amount of love he had for him.

I wish I could make this review longer because I have NEVER read a story this beautiful, but I really am speechless.

sugar.coated chapter 4 . 7/27/2003
. . . man . . . I just found this when looking for Harper/Tyr slash (btw, I love your Andromeda stories, but I suck when it comes to reviewing) and. . . wow. I am truly in love with this story. Read all of it at once, and now it's past 3 am and I'm not making any sense, but. . . yeah.

I think you've managed very well to capture that special thing Snatch has. You know, that feeling . . . And I also love the idea of this story. . . I love it. This is going to my favorites. Yes. *incoherent*
Shinai chapter 4 . 6/23/2003
"I smiled at him, a little bitterly, wondering uncharacteristically childish thoughts about when Tommy was going to develop a stupid crush on me."

Haha- XD that was awesome.

The ending fits the story perfectly, omg, this is soo good. I love this. :]
Bohemian Storm chapter 4 . 5/6/2003
You're making me get teary again. Good Lord. :P

He was going to give him the bear? Now I'm really crying. Seriously, this is utterly adorable and sweet, and so well written and making me cry, dammit.

And the ending was perfectly written. Turkish showing Tommy ... perfect.

Wow. Oh, wow. That was wonderful. I can't find words for it.
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