Reviews for Epilogue
Pbird chapter 1 . 12/2/2017
This was super sweet and sad. My emotions are all over the place, but I'm really glad I got to read it.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
That was so beautiful, thank you!
Stay88Frosty chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
*sniff* Must not cry... Power waning.. Cannot control... Tear.. Ducts... Damn! *weeps in happiness/sadness*
Quinntana2 chapter 1 . 6/25/2013
Gosh, you just made me cry. A lot.
I must say this is absolutely stunningly, beautiful. You seriously have a wonderful talent in writing if you are able to write something like this.
Thank you for writing.
Kayleen756894 chapter 1 . 12/22/2009
This is probably one of the most beautiful and touching things I have ever read. I was on the verge of tears and my stomach was in knots and couldn't stop turning-which means your amazing writing got me, and surely all the other readers, very much into the story. It had a good pace and really got people thinking about this, about how Starfire and Raven feel in this situation. It was just absolutely beautiful. Love it and can't wait to read more from you :)

Subterranean Renaissance Faire chapter 1 . 10/21/2009
Ok, I NEED to review this. D

This was really awesome. It wasn't rushed or too drawn out or anything; the fic progressed perfectly. I didn't see any misspellings or anything, either, which was a definite plus.

But what I really loved the most was the emotion. They didn't get all gushy over their love(not that they physically could anyway), but they were still able to get all that passion out there. It was just a good ol' fic that let the emotion pop out at you and take a tug at your heartstrings. Just the way I like it. ;3

Great work.

dreamgurl chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
So that was beautiful and incredibly touching, despite the fact that I have never read or seen Teen Titans. But I remember you talking about this very pairing, I believe, in P.E. and Webmastering.

I promise I'm not a really creepy person, I just realized I still had a account and wanted to see if your fics were still up here. I am Almighty Sluagh Fairymon, and we shall see if you ever get this message, dearie. :)
Sword of Damocles chapter 1 . 12/23/2007
Great story, started out sad, was kinda surprised you didn't go for a more angst like ending. Wouldn't mind seeing a sequel.
Andrew Joshua Talon chapter 1 . 7/26/2007
While the pairing is not my cup of tea, the pacing is excellent, grammar and punctuation spot on (and used to influence the tone of the story, I like that a lot), and for lack of a better term you make the reader feel the emotions of the characters involved. Excellent work.
Phluph chapter 1 . 11/26/2006
Very well done! A good coverage of that point in their lives. Keep it up!
Madeline chapter 1 . 11/17/2006
This is so good it made me cry! Very,very good please continue writing. I absolutely love yuri!
EagleRay chapter 1 . 5/4/2006
wow, that was pretty amazing...

I've gotta say, it's one of the"sad" stories that I've read. Bravo!
Slade's Icy Apprentice chapter 1 . 3/10/2006
I was actually looking for Raven/Blackfire, but found this, and it was pretty good!
Asorae chapter 1 . 1/13/2006
Wow, I can't even start to explain how good this was. There were a lot of points that I liked. One of the best was Raven's loss of some speech capabilities as a ghost. It was an interesting interpretation of the usually cliched ghost scenario. I also like how Starfire seems more mature; most people portray her as a complete ditz a lot of the times, while I personally believe she's not stupid or ditzy at all, simply not accustomed to an entirely new planet, language, life.

Great job once more. I HIGHLY suggest you do that prologue. :)
Black Corinthian chapter 1 . 8/13/2005
truly a fic that stirs up a lot of emotions in the heart... words are not enough to say how i love this... to date, "epilogue" is the best angst raven x star i've read...

keep up the good work and let thy imagination run free...
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