Reviews for Home
Emma chapter 17 . 3/7/2006
Wow this was an amazing story.x
ryanNmarissa4eva chapter 17 . 10/17/2005
good story!
polar-ice-cubes chapter 17 . 9/17/2005
i really love this story its really awesome but i think you shouldn't have just skipped over 5 months. u should have showed the seth summer reunion. besides that its a really good story
June.Louise chapter 17 . 9/2/2005
So good story, I love the way you describe the characters.
Somebody's Dark Angel chapter 12 . 7/27/2005
after you finish the wedding fic, would really appreciate you completing this one as well - i wanna know what happens to seth - did oliver shoot him or just bash him? and did summer kill seth or just wound him? you've probably realised now that this last chapter is eerily similar to the end of the s2 finale, but all the better - could be a pseudo-post-finale fic, cept with different characters!
lippy krissy chapter 17 . 6/25/2005
wow just wow! I feel really embrassed 4 seth and summer. what a gr8 story i really got in2 it. i thought it was goin 2 b anna who kidnapped summer. and a really big surprise when seht got shot and survived. a good end to a gr8 story!1
GreggoAddict chapter 17 . 5/27/2005
That was a good story. I'm so glad that Seth didn't die. I wish maybe Oliver would have taken Seth hostage as well but that's ok. Good job.
TootyFruity chapter 17 . 1/13/2005
Loved it! What more do i have to say?
Diggles chapter 17 . 12/27/2004
Wow that was great I wish you could go on with the story but every great story needs a great ending. I loved it.
Julie chapter 17 . 11/29/2004
Ok, i have just finsihed reading all 17 chapters and i think that was the BEST story i have ever read in my whole entire life! its way betta then the tv show (sorta)! screw harry potter and roald dhal series, i think we should publish this story!


Acacia Jules chapter 2 . 10/29/2004
Oh come on, don't tell me he wouldn't care that his best friend was in labor, with a baby that was most likely his.

Especially after he'd been sleeping in the same bed with her for the past several months.

He cared about Theresa, we alreaedy knew that. Maybe not as much as Marissa, but he did love her.

Now all you've done, is turned him into an asshole. A complete and total asshole.
ummmidontknow chapter 16 . 10/21/2004
Oh my god. i mean, gosh, lol. great chapter. fast, but every word was excillent. great great stuff. the prayer, so good.
Caitlyn Rose chapter 17 . 10/21/2004
Aww, it's over! :(

On the plus side, i guess you'll have more time to update your other stories (looking forward to the new none btw!)
welcometotheoc chapter 17 . 10/21/2004
the ending is so cute

luv the story guys
Trust.Hope.Love chapter 17 . 10/20/2004
Aw! I just read this whole story! And I loved it! I'm going to read your other stories as well, because if they are anywhere as good as this one, I know I'll love them too! Keep up the great writing (not this story of course but your other ones)! This was the perfect ending!
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