Reviews for The Slayer In Question
Anara Celebvilya chapter 1 . 5/3/2010
That was HILARIOUS! I love how you twisted that so that it really seemed like it could have worked.

Thanks for a great read!
Kina Kalamari chapter 1 . 5/3/2010

Excellent job. That was hilarious. And a very interesting way to look at it, too. Very nice.
ThirdGorchBro chapter 1 . 10/4/2004
I was just reviewing your newest story, Sleeper, and thought I should come over here and review my favorite story of yours. I read it when you first posted it, but didn't review it at the time because I am a lazy, lazy person. Anyhoo, this is a great story. It's funny, fits nicely into continuity (or around continuity, I should say) and has a nice, sad little twist at the end. Excellent work.
XXspuffster101XX chapter 1 . 8/20/2004
hey, i really, really liked this. it makes me feel so much better to think of that episode this way because, hello, buffy and spike forever, am i right? :)

anyway, great job and can't wait to read some more of your fics.


CF chapter 1 . 6/22/2004
Hmm,well the scoobies definitly don't come off good here(which is the point.I getthe humor).A sequel fic with them learning just how wrong they were I think would be them learning that Fred really is dead and Illyria was impersonating her and Angel and his group all dying heroically crippling the senior partners hold in this plane(learning of his plan the whole time).Basically them learning what heros Angel and his people bonus would be Buffy finding out Spike has been back this whole year and her friends hid it from her when Angel and Spike were in Rome.

Would love to see their reaction to the lone four(Angel,Spike,Illyria and a mortally wounded Gunn) standing against a army consisiting of 10's of demons and a dragon.

Good fic though but would love to see Buffy and the scoobies get their connupens as it were.
Queen Boadicea chapter 1 . 6/18/2004
Well, aren't the season one Scoobies in full bore? Childishness topped with magic and explosives. Guess Angel and Spanky should consider themselves lucky Xander didn't kill them.

As for Dawn, I've never liked her. But that statement when she didn't want anything bad to happen to Sparky just because he was "nice" to her completely negates her other hatred that she felt when she realized he'd tried to rape her sister. However, if this foolishness on the Scoobies' parts explains the awfulness of "The Girl in Question" then I give it grudging approval.

Long may Buffy keep being alone and lonely. As long as she isn't destroying more towns, I'm copacetic.
Zorro chapter 1 . 6/16/2004
Lovely story here, eversomuch better than the rubbish they tried to serve us in Angel.

Intriguing plot, a merry-go round chase, and quite well written. Keep up the good work:)
TutorGurl chapter 1 . 6/10/2004
Well, I thought it was really great. I read some of the reviews you got and I have to disagree with the last one. What Angel and Co. were facing is nothing compared to what the Scoobies have faced in the past. I think you did a wonderful job portaying the way the gang acts and I loved it all. I like how you showed that Buffy is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, without the Soulboys. I always thought that Buffy was a far better show than Angel ever was and I think this version of 'The Girl In Question' is much better than the one that really aired.

I can't stand it when people flame stories based on their own prefrences. It was a funny piece of writing, it was well written and you did an excellent job in characterizing the gang. I look forward to reading more of your future work. Till then, I'm outtie.
white avenger chapter 1 . 6/10/2004
I would like to commend you for being one of the writers who did NOT stoop so low as to pair Buffy with Andrew in your version. That alone made it more bearable. The story was, sadly very close to the attitude Buffy's crew saw Angel & Co at that time, and I believe a great followup would be to have Buffy NOT find out any differently until it's too late to be of any help to Angel and Spike in their final battle (that is not to say I don't think they shouldn't get some help from somewhere, but it would be more dramatic if Buffy had to come crawling to them to ask forgiveness for once).
Murdough chapter 1 . 6/6/2004
Well, it's fortunate that you classified this as humor because the Scooby's come off so badly that it's laughable, Though in a way it's appropriate. They're off in Italy futzing around while those who know what they're doing is fighting a battle that makes everything Buffy and Co. faced seem like a dress rehersal.
Litheran chapter 1 . 6/5/2004

youve really turned the enitre BTVS group into a bunch of moronic bullies, her friends are again trying to lead her life for her. And have no idea whats going on in L.A. You have them messing with Angel and Spike. And it just makes no sense. Im sorry, theres just nothing redeeming about this story.
Harm Marie chapter 1 . 6/5/2004
Haley Teague chapter 1 . 6/5/2004
This is priceless! So very, very entertaining! I love the look at the other side - what could be as far as those whose motives and actions we only see from another side. This is simply great!

I can't wait to see more of your work!
pgavigan chapter 1 . 6/5/2004
Interesting story, makes Buffy and crew look even worse than the original "The Girl in Question" did. Mind doing a follow up where they realize just how much they have screwed up, i.e. Fred's death and the obliteration of Angel and crew.
Alixtii chapter 1 . 6/5/2004
A wonderfully crafted work with huge doses of continuity. I especially loved the "Pangs" references.