Reviews for Hook
Infinitechange chapter 10 . 3/21/2011
Awesome story with a cute ending. -
fullmetaldevil chapter 10 . 2/12/2009
I love your story. The depth of emotion was impressive, you've got a lot of skill. This story is going in my favorites.
textinct chapter 10 . 3/27/2008
That was... Wow. I really don't have many words to describe just how incredible this was. I've seen a lot of abuse!fics in this fandom, but those that deal with things this serious rarely provide the accuracy and depth with which you portrayed Daniel's recovery.

That's the reason I usually avoid them, actually - it almost seems to make a mockery of real victims. Your fic is really nothing like that at all. In fact, it's probably the single most accurate trauma fic I've ever read. A character went through something and it wasn't pretty, and you didn't try to -make- it pretty. I like whump just as much as the next fangirl else, but it seems to me that a lot of fandoms seem to almost idealize the actual act of violence itself, as opposed to the strength of character, recovery and subsequent changes in the relationship with the characters around him/her (coughfluffismykryptonitecough) that follows said ... uh, whumping. You didn't do that for a moment. It was brutal, and you made it brutal. The things that happened to Daniel are not nice, happy things, and you didn't try to downplay them. I liked that.

That's not to say that the comfort scenes weren't beautiful, though. The first few chapters... Dude, the scene where Teal'c, Sam and Jack all huddled around Daniel and hugged him almost made me cry. D: The shaving thing? Oh, man. If I had more time to do sketches, I would totally be shoving fanart down your throat of those two scenes, as well as the stargazing bit outside of the SGC, too.

My only complaint here, and while I know a lot of focus is needed on Jack and Daniel's relationship, is that Teal'c and Sam seem to kind of... fade out in importance toward the end. Jack was certainly Daniel's foundation, but I felt that Teal'c and Carter probably should have had a stronger presence in the last few chapters regardless. It doesn't really hurt the fic, though, so don't pay it much mind. I loved this as it was. :3

Really, this was great. It's a shame you haven't had more reviews. You really deserve them.
Zuzanny chapter 10 . 7/27/2007
Aw... I'm glad Daniel is on his way to being better. :)
Karakin chapter 10 . 7/22/2006
i will twll you this now i am very surprised i normally dont like jd pairing just because i can't see it in real life and most stories in order to put them together cause them to go completely out of character but your story was very believeable so thank you very much for that this was an amazing story one of the best i've ever written so great job and keep up the great work
tsuki-san16 chapter 3 . 4/24/2006
I...I...I wish I could reach through this computer and give you a hug, because this fic is amazing. Personally, I thought that I would find more slash stories for Stargate here, but their really aren't very many. Narrow it down to stories mainly about our beloved Daniel, and the search is even more difficult. But I'm really glad I found this one. It's amazing. Lots of angst and recovery, my favorite! I'll have to keep reading this one and check out your other stories.

Keep up the great work!

Mechanical-Panda chapter 10 . 2/2/2006
Wow. I have to say that I normally wouldn't click on the link to a slash fic with a ten-foot mouse. However...I changed my mind with this one. I don't know why. But I'm glad I did. Your characterization was amazing, and the story was such a breathtaking experience, tragic and touching but hopeful. The little review box recommends that I take this time to comment on an aspecy of the story that can be improved, but I see no need to. I am definitely impressed. Thank you for sharing your talent.
sulleythepit chapter 10 . 5/27/2005
Holy Hannah! A very good story. I really enjoyed it to the end. Normally I am a Shipper, but not for this story. This story was brilliantly written. I loved how you had it entirely in Jacks' POV and the angst/hurt/comfort was right on target.
Burnt Kairn chapter 10 . 10/13/2004
A wonderful story! I loved every second even though I kept being rudly interupted by my family! I hope to read more of your fics soon. Keep up the good work!
Michelle Micky chapter 10 . 5/23/2004
::cries:: That whole wonderful story kept me completely distracted from final paper... so it's obviously your fault I'll fail. I demand something be done about... in particular a 8-10 page research paper on anti-social behavior in males. Well, get to it... _
Short Fat Fag chapter 10 . 5/16/2004
This was a difficult story for me to read, having gone thru something similar myself. I was a good story, though it left me very angry, which isn't your fault, not blaming you.
I like the way you write and I like the way you tell a story, but please no more rapes. It just feels wrong.
yaoi-lover chapter 10 . 5/15/2004
I absolutly love your Jack x Daniel fanfictions. You have a great writing style. It’s a pleasure to read those fanfics. So keep it going. Want to read more of those great ficcis
Kazuki Landen chapter 10 . 5/14/2004
Wow. And I mean, wow. That was just... wow. Cool. Incredable. Absolutely incredable. Conratulations - you are definately one of the best authors around on fanfic.
I found no spelling mistakes, no typos, and you have an excellant plot. This is brilliant. Keep up the good work!
Feline Feral chapter 10 . 5/6/2004
Omg! This story was awesome but did u have to torture him so much? Got to got its lightning here. Keep up the awesome work. :)