Reviews for Demonic Angel Angelic Demon
Syaoran-Lover chapter 40 . 11/1/2011
Once again, congratulations. I will never tire of saying this: I love this story, through and through. *heart, heart, heart XD

Aw, Kai begging for forgiveness and realizing what happened so cute!

I loved Tala's idea, though I was despaired you would kill him for the sake of the story's end. Phew! And Kai's declaration! OMG, "if you see any light and walk towards it, I will follow you!" - OMG, I was exhilarated (I hope that's the right word)...

And, when they passed out after the defeat of Hell, I thought you would make Tala & Kai faint together, still holding hands. damn. (LOL)

LOL. So, Rei and Bryan? That was fast. Rei did mature fast! LOL

But I'm glad everything was solved now, though I almost wanted to smack him when he didn't say anything once he realized Kai was OK... .

Aw, Kai felt the dead angels first? CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE! I loved that! And, wow, was I amazed that they were forgiving him, even though they died by his hands! WOW. I really loved that you added this part, because you could have ended the story without it, but adding it was such a great idea!

I'm glad you didn't make Dom "forgive" Kai right away, it makes him more real, but I loved it that he was able to understand what happened and still support Kai, enough to even call him a brother! (totally didn't see that one! LOL)

I do hope, if you have the time and disposition, that you write some sort of epilogue in set a few years forward, where we see Kai training with the army, and later training the army itself. I'd love to get a last view at the vile stares and behaviors I'm sure he would still receive, and then having him overcome it! Hopefully, you will add some Tala action too (and I mean this both in the military sense and in "bedroom" sense)!

The feathers scene was very nice too. When they were "fighting on the bed, I thought it would end in "romance", and, though I still wish you had added that, I am sort of glad that it didn't, so it is all the more special. But if you do write an epilogue, please include a hot scene, yes? *winks

Also, a mention of Boris' "prison" would have been a nice touch, I believe, but it can always be mentioned in an epilogue. (Yes, I am shamelessly and outright begging for it. XP)

Finally, I am so glad they're OK, and alive! A Kai x Tala, fic that rocked! I am so, so, soooooo happy! I can't thank you enough! You really dominated with this fic, and I love it to pieces. Please let me know if you do write an epilogue, but, even if you don't, I still really, really love it (proven by the amount of times I used "I loved" in these last two reviews)! :D

Fantastic job!
Syaoran-Lover chapter 39 . 11/1/2011
HI! I am soooo sorry I took so long to review this. When you updated I was in Chile, and after that I came to China, where I haven't had the time to read the rest of the story until now.

So, firstly, I would love to thank you so, soooo much for finishing the story. Not only was it amazing from beginning to end, but your persistence in writing so many (40!) long chapters along six years and two months is inspiring! Congrats!

CHapter 39. THe spell is broken. Thank God, or Dranzer and WOlborg and all the Guardians. LOL

Loved that Hiwatari was killed by Kai's own hands, and that he had "a go at Tala" before that. I do have to complain that he should have appeared more, though, as he is the main villain... but I loved the anticipation as I was reading Tala and him spar.

ANd, oh, the pain when Kai cured his lungs. I thought Kai was channeling his last energies into saving Tala, and then he would die. Phew! (would have been beautiful, though, but I would have hated you there for a while... LOL)

And I loved it when Dranzer emerged, when she rejected THAT Kai, and when Black Dranzer emerged with Kai's last energies, driving the others mad with worry. D

Funny, how Kai muttering Tala's name was so much more heart-pulling then Tala whispering he loved Kai.

And dare I say it, I love Bryan! *heart
FlamingIce94 chapter 40 . 6/26/2011
By far this has been one of the best stories I have ever read on this site! Congrats on finishing it and thank you sso much for such an amazing fic!
d1bontemp chapter 40 . 6/25/2011
Thank you for this wonderful story. I enjoyed it every step of the way. I love your writing and story and hope to see another fic up. :D Thank you again
GabZ chapter 40 . 6/25/2011
Awww what a cute ending! It was great :) thank you for your effort!
GabZ chapter 39 . 6/25/2011
Niceeee! Tala saved kai, Kai saved Tala! So cute !
Syaoran-Lover chapter 38 . 2/13/2011
OMG, did Tala just become incased by Darkness too? LOL

I know it's not the case, but, for a moment I totally felt it could happen.

Still, very good. Yes, revenge on Boris was very nice! XD

I just realized Kai and the demons are killing a lot (especially Kai), but there isn't much mention about the angels doing the same... (or I might have unconsciously skipped it because, let's face it, Tala & Kai are the most interesting part).

Also, I think what I wanted to say in the previous review was that you suddenly threw in BryanRei, when there was nearly no mention of it before. Since you described progressing relationships in this fic, I thought it was kinda weird, cause it seemed to come out of nowhere.

OMG, Tala almost did it! I was actually happy that he didn't, otherwise it would have been too easy. And, Tala, please do kill Hiwatari! I beg you!

Some of Kai's responses didn't quite sound like the answers he sputtered two chapters ago (when he found Tala & Rei, and nearly killed the first), making him sound less cold, or less evil.

Still loved it! 3


Definitely read ya next! :D

You're almost there! *\o/*
Syaoran-Lover chapter 37 . 2/13/2011
I FINALLY got something right! Though not 100% accurate. LOL

Hehe. I soooo hope that, at the very least, Kai won't die a traitor. It'd be depressingly bad for me! .

Anyhow, I felt this chapter somewhat... flowery. Normally your ariting is a bit more literal and objective, this time I felt it more... I'm not quite sure how to put it, but I think hurried would be a close guess.

Anyhow, I'm happy for two new chapters again! XD

And with two more to go (after the next one), I can hardly wait until Hiwatari senior is KILLED by Tala! D (laughs maniacaly)
nighty.amy chapter 38 . 2/10/2011
"The spell is broken"? Yay, that means Kai will be saved! It looks like he is getting his mind back... Go, go Tala, kick those demons ass! I loved this scene with Boris in ice prison...bastard deserved! Tala should do exactly the same thing with Voltaire!

Now you MUST update quickly!
GabZ chapter 38 . 2/9/2011
I still have a doubt. did Boris Rape Tala?
GabZ chapter 37 . 2/9/2011
I knew you wouldn't hurt Tala, but I did thought that Kai helped him in some way... guess he really wants to kill his lover :(
Syaoran-Lover chapter 36 . 1/31/2011
Did Kai not see or sense Wolborg? Or perhaps, unconsciously (or maybe even conscioulsy?) he removed the slings/casts because he knew that would save Tala? Oh, I'm so pumped up! XD

The ice engulfing Tala was a little scary at some point, because at first I htought it was good, but then Dranzer, Drigger and Rei reacting so violently to it - and then Max & Tyson, even back in Heaven too - I started to think it was another dark beast and Kai would get a "friend"...

I loved Kai's lines, especially the "little pet" part to Tala and the use or the nickname upon greetin ("Red")! 3

My fangirl heart was screaming shrilly. LOL

It's a little scary that Kai remembers everything, that he wasn't exactly brainwashed, but still bears such ill will to Rei and Tala. To Rei, I could overlook, but even Tala was completely amazing... I especially loved the "Any last words, Ivanov", Tala's dark thoughts to that and the sincere "I love you" right after that.

So enxious to read more, I hope you give us another double update and soon! I'm loving every word! 3

DEFINITELY read ya next!
Syaoran-Lover chapter 35 . 1/31/2011
Wow. Interesting way to have him find out Kai's doing it! XD

Again, not a cliche!

I was so sure you were gonna have Kai corner him somewhere in those halls and sometime soon, only to have the famous "remeber me!" or somethign go on! :D

I really love the factthat you always seem to break my expectations! \o/

And I also totally didn't expect Dom to react that way! I thought he'd be more in control, but it makes sense and it gives him more humanity, to show all the emotion he has hidden until this chapter. Max's reactions were also great. I found myself liking him a bit more.

However, I think the bravest among them is Bryan. Tala was trained by Kai (as was Rei), the others have guardians. He's the only normal angel and still he faced everything with brains and courage. 3

I'm not forgetting Kenny, but Kenny didn't really go down to Hell (though staying put while waiting is just as nervewrecking) or face Dom.

Uhm, Ok, my next suspicions are that Tala was orphaned because his "Guardian" was taken by demons in the past, and his family killed for it. Even if the Official Guardians are 4, there might have been "support troops". Let's see how you break that! XD

Gotta keep reading! Loved the double update!
PWN3D chapter 36 . 1/20/2011
Omfg Kai was terrifying in this D: but the way you incorporated Wolborg into this story was VERY smooth and awesome :3

And good luck with your book!
suzanne chapter 36 . 1/13/2011
woah that was great chapter it was cliffy hanging what going to happen to tala did he die or he is till alive, what happen to kai protect to protect ray from harm and i guest ray will remind him that he promise to protect him from anyone, thank for great story and i can't wait for the next chapter tos ee what going happen to them, cya until next time :)
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