Reviews for The Twin
Loveanimelove chapter 20 . 6/25/2019
Never going to get updated
zerosama.754083 chapter 15 . 1/22/2019
i loved the ending of this chapter! Absolutely crazy, with a dose of insanity!
Gulli chapter 20 . 7/31/2018
why did you end it here? please come back, this story was amazing! i want to know what is happening to Harry!
Rosemary Sensei chapter 20 . 7/12/2017
this story is amazing asdfghjkl
MuffinOverLord8 chapter 11 . 11/7/2016
During the dada lesson you said it was w/ Hufflepuff but then afterwards said it was w/ Ravenclaw...?
Echo chapter 20 . 5/7/2016
Such an amazing story! I can't wait for more!
sadL chapter 3 . 5/1/2016
I fudging love snape 3333 333
AriaChan29 chapter 20 . 2/26/2016
Please update! This is so GOOD! I think Harry was possesed by Salazar or Merlin or Gandalf or something 》《
Silent Knight chapter 16 . 11/21/2015
Idk what this story is about I just found the tab open on my sisters laptop but it's really nicely written and Draco and Harry seem like the perfect ship though I don't usually ship Drarry...
Guest chapter 20 . 9/16/2015
simply brilliant. please update...
DaringGirl55 chapter 20 . 6/9/2015
You know, 3rd year could have Peter Pettigrew causing havoc and making a mess of pretty much everything. And 4th year aught to be interesting. Harry and Jerry are so close in spelling, how badly can Barty Crouch jr. mess up spelling one name? Not to mention the horcrux in Harry. That will definitely be interesting! What if something happens and Harry closes off from his family? Like, not even talking to them anymore! The angst and heartbreak would be delisous according to Tom.
I adore this story more than you can possibly imagin! I really hope you continue, because I have so many ideas running through my head of what COULD happen that I NEED to know what YOU make happen!
Darkdragondude1234 chapter 20 . 2/25/2015
Can you make the creaters that creature that hides inside harry the witch king of angmar
Guest chapter 20 . 8/4/2014
Ahhhhh what about the next years?! I loved this so much!
gorrillaface345 chapter 20 . 6/14/2014
Update! Please!
panda-nati chapter 20 . 5/18/2014
I like this story!
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