Reviews for Call Myself Back
Ryou VeRua chapter 1 . 7/7/2010
It's too bad you never continued this. I just really got into the story when it abruptly ended. D:
Nebelkind chapter 4 . 11/9/2009
This is really really fun!

Please update again?


othergirls chapter 4 . 10/21/2008
*dies from laughing too hard and is reborn through the sheer awesomeness of the story* XD I love your story so much. I'm (almost) to the level of adoration called worship for your Akefia, or Touzoku-Ou Bakura, or whatever you choose to call him. He is so... entertaining. Then again, so is the rest of your story. And funny too. There are so many parts of your story I wish to copy and paste to my profile. Mind if I borrow one? (Or two? Or ten?) You will be given credit, of course. You can visit my profile to see how I would be quoting you, if you wish.
Thief of Spades chapter 4 . 4/8/2008
B- but WHY is all the rum gone?

I really like the story so far. I tend to love anything that has bakushipping in it. Damn, I really wish I had gotten into this fandom three years ago along with everyone else.

I know this fic has probably long since been abandoned, but I just thought I should let you know I love what you've written and I'd love for it to be completed.

Anyway~ Keep writing whatever you're writing these days you definately have great talent.
darkchild chapter 4 . 5/26/2007
Please update as soon as possible, this story is very good and funny_...
sand dancer chapter 4 . 3/25/2006
continue please...
Yami Ryo chapter 4 . 3/3/2006
Oh my Ra the world is doomed. HAHAHAHA! I loved this! HAHAHAHAHA!
My.Thesis chapter 4 . 2/19/2006


Now...FOR THE SAKE OF ALL READERS, UP-DATE! IT'S BEEN 2 YEARS! Please? Can you up-date? I LOVE YOUR STORY! DON'T LEAVE ME HANGIN' WITH SUSPENSE! Whoa...What I said was wierd...0.0
Lara chapter 4 . 11/29/2005
It's SO good! PLEASE update soon!
adele4 chapter 4 . 11/6/2005
"Fine, I will," Malik said, sighing dramatically. "Sometimes I think you all liked it better when I wasn't friendly."

Just for this, this story deserves much praise! I was beginning to be annoyed be the way Malik was pictured, because, _of course_ I liked him better when he was evil, and he’s never his pre-battle-city-end self in fanfiction and... then that phrase came – and I feel guilty now. *g*

I love Yami Bakura’s reaction to thief!Bakura. Oh, and Ryou’s too, of course...
Sand dancer chapter 4 . 10/25/2005
hmm I like. update soon, please?
Coshaidamarsuntsu chapter 4 . 10/7/2005
HA HA! This is great! Please update soon.
TotA chapter 4 . 9/10/2005
O.O! continue!
Heidikins05 chapter 4 . 6/5/2005
lozl this story is great! you really have to continue!
Tjay Motou chapter 4 . 5/4/2005
Finally, someone other then me writing BxRxT fanfiction.

thank you!

If you want to read my please email me (it is a lemon though)
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