Reviews for Power Of Darkness
Lolbit chapter 31 . 7/1
Name the boy James and the girl Lilly
miguel.puentedejesus chapter 2 . 6/13
Me Encanto
miguel.puentedejesus chapter 1 . 6/13
Un Fantástico Comienzo!
Me Encanto
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9
In Azkaban it’s basically solitary confinement with emotion torture that leaves you insane.
Redhorseman25 chapter 25 . 12/11/2019
Are you adhd? Good story in the beginning but then it bounces around like crazy. Too much going on for a reader to keep up with. Its like 4 stories spliced together. Not to mention it says 30 pages but the comments are longer then the story. Closer to 10 pages.
Marshmallowmann chapter 21 . 9/20/2019
oh wow this story went to garbage pretty fast. oh and "you killed my godfather bella but the past is the past" and "ron you didn't believe in me, that's unforgiveable" make no sense whatsoever
Krystian Garlicki chapter 31 . 8/3/2019
I guess I can not count on continuing this masterpiece?
Cwhit930 chapter 31 . 5/16/2019
You said this is complete. It just ends and a mention of a sequel that never came. Dang this had potential would like to see what the elves were trying to do and how Harry fights Voldemort in this story
Khatix chapter 5 . 5/6/2019
Really short chapters which are about a 1/3 for review replies, most likely to pad the word count.
CarolWim chapter 15 . 1/5/2019
The content of your chapters stink. More comments then the actual story.
Monster King chapter 31 . 1/3/2019
Great job
RBlack chapter 13 . 12/1/2018
This is an excellent story. However your comments are longer than the chapters.. It's quite annoying.
jackiepriinzee.perezz chapter 10 . 11/17/2018
Amazing couple! They are my second favorite couple here! Amazing plot and very good story..
Guest chapter 19 . 10/22/2018
How strange it must be, being you.
Tidemaster chapter 31 . 10/12/2018
Awesome. I’m going to be writing my own Harry Potter fanfiction soon too. It’ll be an alternate version of course but I’m throwing in a character I made. I got most of the plot already. Now if I can remember it.
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