Reviews for Legolas Got Run Over By His Fangirls!
Avalon's mists chapter 1 . 8/6/2006
This story is awsomely funny.
PrincessOfWildfire chapter 1 . 11/23/2004
There are absolutely -no- words to describe how hard I laughed at this. I've read numerous mary-sue parodies, but this is definately the best. And the fact Legolas wanted her, and she went for his teddy bear? . Again, no words at all. I'm going to make everyone I know read this ..

:Favourite Quotes:

One: You should start a career in romantic poetry

"But that's a toy gun!" Legolas protested.

"And this is a toy bear," the girl replied.

Me? I can't die. I have a fanclub," Gimli proudly said. "A lightning bolt couldn't hurt me!"

As if to illustrate his point, a lightning bolt conveniently hit the dwarf, not even scorching his clothes. [still snickering helplessly]