Reviews for Revalations
Christine chapter 23 . 6/6/2017
I like this story. Any plans for a sequel?
Christine chapter 16 . 6/6/2017
Conniving little elf. I really love her.

I'm also pleased to see Harry and Severus getting along better, and I think you've done well with getting them to open up and be nicer to each other.
lazy-kaa chapter 23 . 11/16/2016
The storry is somewhat interesting, concerning building trust and relations. However, I should say that the author says "sorry" to much. It is fine if it takes a lot of time. Just wish you more strength and will to write, because you are doing fine.
rowenasheir chapter 1 . 7/28/2016
The Stupid Idiot chapter 23 . 10/11/2015
Great story! Plzz write a sequel!
Snow Leopard Pasha chapter 12 . 4/1/2015
Mostly a good story, though there's a few points I've come across so far where you were calling a lack of knowledge 'arrogance'-which is something entirely different.

One thing I want to comment on, though, is that it's awfully strange how you're building the story to essentially be a man with NO emotional control trying to teach a teenaged boy how to have it (considering Snape's temper, he couldn't be a master at Occlumency, and only Rowling's later explanation that it had all been a front, not truth, actually explained how he could be one)...You might have wanted to build into your story that he actually had that emotional control and stopped trying to antagonize Harry in his own home, and this whole scenario would be a lot more believable. He could still be a harsh task-master, stern, and strict without being angry six ways from Sunday nearly all the time.
hpsslily chapter 23 . 7/11/2014
One of d best stories so far
Snape was so in character!
Sequel plzz
Guest chapter 23 . 10/8/2013
i love your story pls update soon
Ebenbild chapter 23 . 8/23/2013
Hi Rhiannon,

I loved your story. Why does it end here?! The characters of Severus and Harry where really like in the book. I also loved the change they where going through, when the story progressed. I loved the scene when Harry hugged Snape. Why did you stop writing here?! What's with Hermione? Does she belief Harry's lies? How will Snape treat Harry in class and in the special lessons? Does Harry come to Snape again next summer or for Christmas? Was there a time when James treated Snape different?
I don't think that Snape really hated James. I think he loved his younger brother and was just hurt (that's what your text sounds like to me). I had liked a memory where you could see that (if my interpretation was right).
Your idea of Snape and James being twins was awesome. It makes a special connection between them.

Write more, please, please, please! (after all I was a good kid and wrote you a really looong review!)

Yours Ebenbild
Scathing reviewer chapter 23 . 9/8/2012
has anyone mentioned the fact that the title should be revelations, not revalations? unless it's a witty play on words that I haven't come across yet in your fic...?
alex chapter 23 . 11/3/2011
Just awesome. If you ever get inspired again just write because your a wicked writer!
apprykott chapter 9 . 3/22/2011
wow that was a good change, i am so tired looking at harry is snape son, i can't stand it, but i like how u made them relate to eachother some how with out adoption papers)
Dormant-CynicalDonkeys chapter 22 . 12/7/2010
YAY for compassionate!Snape
Dormant-CynicalDonkeys chapter 10 . 12/7/2010
That's so sad. I love Severus...
amba gurl chapter 23 . 4/3/2010
hey this is an awesom story! i kind of like caring sevvy :)
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