Reviews for The Price of Our Legacy
julicy chapter 1 . 8/11/2013
"Years ago he would have shrugged it off as a moment of weakness. Today, however, he would say that it was his strongest moment ever. He would tell whoever saw, that a certain archeologist taught him that compassion was a gift, and the most priceless and greatest strength any human begin could possess." Really great writing!
carismum chapter 4 . 11/4/2012
i thought this was an amazing and brilliantly written story. you have a unique imagination!
Yvonne chapter 4 . 4/25/2008
Wow! Top class Danny whumping! Stunning, very well written - had to read it all in one sitting.
JEM515 chapter 4 . 4/22/2007
I love this story. This was actually one of the first fanfiction stories I ever read- about 3 years ago? I think you took Evolution to a dramatic place that TPTB missed.
chiclete chapter 4 . 3/5/2007
Pipsy chapter 4 . 7/5/2006
I read this forever ago but I remembered it was such a good story. You really had me concerned for Daniel's life there for a moment! (Heart attack!)

A little off the subject, but I'm fan of your site- your music videos in particular. Um. WOW! I can't get '45' out of my head now.

Anyway, thanks for all your great stuff, fic and vids alike. Hope to see more of both!
Rebel Goddess chapter 4 . 4/15/2006
Having to read and write at the same time because I can't cope with waiting to review: You can't mean it. You can't. Tell me it's just Dead Again Daniel dying and coming back. "One guerrilla..two guerillas... three guirrellas dead" made me smile. I'm a bit beyond laughing - too scared. Loved your twist. See. I knew it. D-A-Daniel wasn't DA really. I absolutely adored your Alexandre Dumas reference. This line and its preceeding thoughts brought me about as close to devastation as any story I've read that didn't involve major character death "And the civilian…who saved the world with his soul". The parts in italics had me literally wanting to cry. Seriously glorious story. Right, I give in, I can't tell you how good this was. You'll just have to imagine my face as I sit here at 10 to 1 in the morning and just go "Nyuh..." Words left me about an hour ago, so I can only say: Truly amazing story. The prose was transcendent. I hope you write professionally because you need to get more credit than a few feedback cookies for this. Otherwise just know that you have given one person at least a huge amount of pleasure in reading.
Rebel Goddess chapter 3 . 4/15/2006
In the midst of the beautiful angst, you made me giggle when you wrote "Pushing aside the disgust that he would, yet again, need to unpack all his stuff and, yet again, need to find a new place to live after, yet again, coming back from the dead" and I laughed again at Jack asking Teal'c if the Jaffa needed a hug. The Macgyver joke was also great. Jack's little speech took me by surprise - I was looking for a quote citation until I realised it wasn't a quote but an original. I was with Daniel on the hit your head thing. Damn it, that ending was mean. Wow. Again and again and again.
Rebel Goddess chapter 2 . 4/15/2006
The part on Abydos was heartbreaking. Oh hell, artefact? That can't be good. I loved Sha'uri "weighing her existence with each breath he took". Way, way too sad. Jack's determination is superb.
Rebel Goddess chapter 1 . 4/15/2006
I had to laugh at the puppy imagery, and Daniel's idea to get the lizard to "Go find Jack". Lassie it isn't. Loved the schedule too. Regurgitated archaeologist and Angels 101 both had me giggling and wincing at the same time. Gibran really knows what he's talking about, some of the time at least. I actually felt physically sick when I was reading the line "And with a sudden agonising jolt..." because I knew what was about to be so wrong. I love the Mummy too. Apophis Bobble-head made me giggle no end. I can just believe Teal'c snickered, and the mental image made me snicker. The best bit had to be DID-AR and DIT-AR though. Oh, the DID-AR better have not have just gone off. Wonderful beginning.
new creation chapter 4 . 7/6/2005
Your stories are amazing! Please keep writing them.
Rinne chapter 4 . 6/2/2005
Wow. I'm speechless.
Shimagami chapter 4 . 6/12/2004
I think I love you... even though I almost had a heart attack while reading this.

Awesome story, you wrote it so well. And I loved the way you played off that one episode.

Though the moment you said that Daniel had died I wanted to kill someone, of course I then found out your brilliant plan to make the reader sit at the edge of their seats.

Bloody hell, that was a heart killer. I think I'm gonna need therapy.

Did I mention that I officialy love you and this stoy?

anyway I love you.


RUpuzzled2 chapter 4 . 5/6/2004
this was a really good story. one of the best i ever read!
normilou chapter 1 . 4/24/2004
Wow! I'm loving the story so far. I think you have nailed the characters personalities. I'm giggling at some of the dialog. At the same time you do a good job of keeping me worried and on edge with the angst factor.
Please keep writing!
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