Reviews for Almost
Lula with the snakes chapter 1 . 4/18/2010

I'm wordless.
macaday me a nut chapter 1 . 4/10/2007
Aw! I never would have seen that! *tear*

Macaday me a nut (and your one too!)
evm chapter 1 . 2/25/2007
Love! Especially for the Ron and Neville portions...and the format! It was really fun and engaging to read (along with being absolutely gorgeous and insightful of course!). I really like the line 'Cassandra dressed up like Hercules' as well. Intense love for this.
silverbell91 chapter 1 . 11/24/2005
My breath is taken away.
ArmyMuseOfSorrow chapter 1 . 6/17/2004
wow really great fic. I usualy never review fics like this with the numbers and the thoughs. However this is a really great fic. honestly im not just saying that. You should do a sequal with Seamus, Fred, George, Voldomort, Malforys dad,ect.I don't know... I definatly like Ron, Hermonies, and Nevilles the best. See ya. Keep wriing!
White Rabbit Tale chapter 1 . 5/19/2004
This is...just...wonderful. It's the best drabble I've ever read and I wish you would write more like it. You write about the characters like you know them, or like you yourself created them. This is the most lovely drabble I'll ever hope to see.
P.S. I can see you like the Greek Myth stuff. But wasn't Atlas the one with the world on his shoulders? Or is that the Roman name?
Topaz Waters chapter 1 . 3/6/2004
I love this, more than I've loved any fanfiction I've read recently. Extremely well done...I'll put in in my favorites.
I got most of them...Except for Snape's. and I really, really thought that Neville's was Luna.
Anyway, brilliant, such a great concept...
ESP chapter 1 . 3/6/2004
Simply the most amazing drabble I have ever read. (That term seems too deragatory to apply to something as moving as your piece) I have never read anyhting so filled with powerful images. I simple LOVE it, and I wish... I dunno, that it was longer... or SOMETHING! It's simple FABULOUS, because it's completely believable while at the same time intensly emotional. I swear, I was crying by the end. It's just so TRUE, from the heart. Terrific job, I'm off to read some of your other stuff, because I NEED more of your amazing talent in this brain!
bapforlife chapter 1 . 3/6/2004
That was really good.