Reviews for The One Thing You Can't See
8wo3Y4tw chapter 4 . 1/17/2014
This is one of the more touching stories out there. I felt tears start coming to my eyes when that never happens.
I see that this hasn't been updated for nearly ten years, but I'm sincerely hoping that it gets continued one day.
I really like hoe you portray the characters, and I'm wondering what happened to change the future so that Yue/Yukito died instead of being saved by Sakura and Windy.
Aristania chapter 4 . 5/12/2011
Please update and give this story a happy ending before i start to cry again!
Blissdreamer chapter 4 . 12/3/2006
Please update, I beg you, please update...

EverWatchful chapter 1 . 7/15/2004
that was great i actually cried!

keep up the good work

i loved it

hope you update soon.
Selcier chapter 4 . 7/1/2004
Okay, that was one of the more depressing stories I've ever read... started crying... But I do hope that you continue on with it. I love your work as an author.

Reius Devirix chapter 4 . 4/14/2004
Great Story!
Askani Blue chapter 4 . 3/27/2004
This is very cool. I like how this is going and I'll be watching for another update.
WoLfePaWs chapter 4 . 3/27/2004
I wonder where Yukito/Yue went after he disappeared and how Clow-san is going to find him...I feel sad for Eriol-kun - he had to face the whole thing alone and his guardians weren't by his was a great have to update soon, I wish to know what happen next
Mystic Moon Empress chapter 4 . 3/26/2004
awesome story! really sad tho *sniff sniff poor yue...i hope u update soon )
baka deshi chapter 4 . 3/26/2004
*steps backward, still reeling*
Whoa. I must say, the first two chapters were a bit slow, but these latter two went by in a heartbeat. Poor Touya...poor Kero...hell, poor everybody. I especially like how you had Kero go tearing off after Nakuru, thinking he could still find Yue somewhere. And I'm especially interested in seeing what happens next. It takes a lot of guts to kill off a character, and it takes even more to show people's reactions to it. Although it seems like they're taking it pretty well, all told. The last time someone close to me died, I wasn't capable of rational thought for at least an hour, and I hadn't just seen it happen in front of me. The line about Sakura's strength was really sharp there-she does have an inner metal that would help her survive this. Please write more soon, I'm interested in seeing where this goes!
TaRe-ChiBi chapter 3 . 3/17/2004
It's so well written! Update it soon, okay?
TaRe-ChiBi chapter 1 . 3/17/2004
That's just sad...yuki died...
brokenAngelYue chapter 3 . 3/16/2004
~sob sob sob~ This secenario had gone through my mind a few times. One of those 'what if's' that noone really wants to give voice to. Very well written, and i'm curious as to where you're going with it. A
Flora chapter 3 . 3/16/2004
It is really sad but i like this story because it is different. So please continue on it.
WoLfePaWs chapter 3 . 3/15/2004
I can already feel the sad atmosphere...this chapter was particularly sad, with Yukito-san's death and all...the saddest part was when he disappeared into thin air...this wait for your update was worth it, you have woven this story quite beautifully, I wonder how your next update would be? Good work, update soon
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