Reviews for Mummy, Mum, Mother,
DragonGrin - former TeenTypist chapter 1 . 5/7/2005
That was so sad! Aw. I feel so bad for Molly. To think of him walking out of the family portrait on the wall, not holding her hand in the picture of him and
Broken Infinity chapter 1 . 5/21/2004
;.; wow. oh. wow.
Chibi Voldy chapter 1 . 5/3/2004
That is so sad.. *weeps uncontrollably* Is this going to be more than one chapter? I hope so.
Todd chapter 1 . 4/1/2004
Oh, wow... I swear, you almost had me close to tears. Especially at the end there when you used the chorus of my favorite song...
Makai Goddess Ookami chapter 1 . 2/29/2004
I am not the biggest Percy fan but this puts him in a whole new light... Its so sad... I love it. When you have PErcy like that its hard to believe he became such a... *sigh* well this a great story. truely one of my favorites and i admit it had me crying slightly at the end.
Pained Soul Wolf Goddess
The Darkness Is Coming, The Light Has Died, Now Our Saviour Laid down and Cried
Fr chapter 1 . 2/28/2004
Tjah Joey... Hva ka jeg sige udover at det R en FANTASTISK sørgelig historie... men... D ved du vel allerede... Gud hvor R Percy dog en idiot... stakkels ham, og resten af familien Weasley... Elsker det der emd at de holder i hånd i det første stykke, og derefter slipper de hindanden senere... D R SÅ godt skrevet... kæft du R syg til det ;)...
Har bare VENTET på at du ville sende noget nyt ind... ELSKER at læse dine historier... du fortæller SÅ smukt, og så levende... Virklig i særklasse... WOW... Og den der tekst til sidst... smukt... Elsker Evanescence, og DEN sang R SÅ smuk, og passer perfekt til historien... Stakkels Molly... D må være hårdt for en mor...
Men hey Joey... bliv ved, ik... glæder mig til at læse mere fra din side :D:D:D:D:D:D please... ik så lange pauser mellem historierne ;)... For de R SÅ gode... :D...
Frådende Firben ;)...
katie chapter 1 . 2/27/2004
that was so sad... oh percy you idiot. this was great. it really showed how much molly loves her son.
katie chapter 1 . 2/27/2004
that was so sad... oh percy you idiot. this was great. it really showed how much molly loves her son.
Backroads chapter 1 . 2/27/2004
*wipes tears from eyes* I'm incredibly impressed. That actually made me cry, and the lyrics at the end added so much. I love the demonstrations of their relationship at the different points in time, and how it all came down to the time Percy left. You didn't push the emotion, either, with lots of corny sob words. You just let if flow. Very well done.
Rauros chapter 1 . 2/24/2004
Wow... I can't believe I'm crying... over a story about Percy. Very sad. Very nicely done. I never really thought of it that way... stupid Percy... *sniff* WHY?
Crystal Lightning chapter 1 . 2/24/2004
that was really good. I loved it, you should totally write more stories like this! GREAT JOB!
iamanumber chapter 1 . 2/24/2004
so sad... poor Molly.
Good job, it was well written and powerful
FawkesRises chapter 1 . 2/24/2004
Very cool fic. Well written and something I've not seen done before. Great job _