Reviews for Where the River Flows Bright
lauren chapter 4 . 3/14/2009
i really think you should update

your story is awesome!
Cerridwen4 chapter 4 . 3/21/2004
_ Hehe. Spot's reaction was great. It's at first total confusion. I love how the story is at a good pace. Not totally fast and not really slow.
Reb's description was great -. I can't wait until the Irving Hall chapter! Clash of Newsboys/girls with the factory workers.
"Realization that Brooklyn weren’t big enough for two man whores tagged along."
Hehe. In an odd way that is slightly entertaining.
Carryin' Dah Bannah
rumor chapter 4 . 3/17/2004
Oh...Yay! Spot's reaction! Yus! *dances*
Of the question is, how is this correspondance going to it SHOULD *pointed look to Dewey, then breaks down into a grin*
Hm...nice twist/interpretation of reactions and relations between Hattan and Brooky newsies. Don't think I've seen that before, but...interesting. I like it. *nods*
Nice setup to pose the newsies and factory workers against each other...can't wait to see it. XD
Nina aka The Good Girl chapter 4 . 3/15/2004
my other review was short and quick, so i wanted to review again. I . LOVE . This . StORY! *does happy dance* You rock! You're writing style is so good *claps* and you really know how to make a plot line! I love this story so much...i can see the tension that is coming up! WIll spot write back to dewey! me fingah's are crossed! dewey's so cute and nice awe and spot's rather sensitive in this fic. can't wait for more! I love ditch he's so funny! holler. Patron's pretty cool too. Meh, i love everything about this. uPdAtE Soon!
Love & Strawberries, The Good Girl.
Cyanne 76 chapter 4 . 3/14/2004
Yay! Have no fear, 'twas a very good chappie, Dewey! I'm loving this story. I'm hoping there's gonna be a big-bum fight, as we all know that violence solves everything. *crickets chirp* Or was that patience and understanding? *shrugs* Nonetheless, I can't wait for more. Woot woot!
love and duct taped men,
Jazz chapter 4 . 3/13/2004
YAY! I love how you potry me and Itey-poo (hah he really is my lackey) lol Great Chap! Cant Wait for Irving Hall!
Strawberri Shake chapter 4 . 3/13/2004
Hey, cool chapter. I can't wait to see what happens when the dance starts. Jazz has Itey totally whipped. Do you know what this story is starting to remind me of? West Side Story with the factory workers as Sharks and the Newies as Jets and Dewey and Spot as Maria and Tony. I LOVE West Side Story *starts humming America* Sorry I'm such a theater geek lol.
anyway, great chappy as usual
~Strawberri Shake
AlexisVeronica chapter 4 . 3/13/2004
Yay! An update! I really liked this chapter, it was great. Poor Runner, when he found out that he had been missing Spot's letter... I would have given it to him, that's for sure. And Spot has a Bad temper. Not good. I think Dewey's letter was very nice, and he wouldn't have thrown it away if he wasn't mad and caught up in the heat of the moment. Oh no, are the Newsies and the factory workers going to get into a fight at Medda's? That's not cool, fighting is bad. But what are you gonna do? Oh well. Great chapter and update soon!
geometrygal chapter 4 . 3/12/2004
Me likes! Still love Maverick. Interesting man. _ Can't get enough of him. I just love this story, it makes me feel good. _ Can't wait to see what happens at Irving Hall! More soon!
The Good Girl chapter 4 . 3/12/2004
OMG This was so good. You have a wonderful, wonderful writing style. I can't wait to see what's next!
ershey chapter 4 . 3/12/2004
ack, poor spotty. :( lol. i guess i would be that mad as him if i were him. i'd hate it if somebody i didn't know wrote what i really felt. *shrug* people need their privacy too, y'know? i really think it's awesome of cody not to tell spot who it was. he gets two thumbs up!
hahahha, goodness... the part when dewey's talkin' with the brooklyn newsies and runner's just... lol, that was hilarious!
wow, the conflict between spot and ditch sounds like something that happened at my school between my friends. yes, it ain't no fun at all. i just hope nobody gets REALLY hurt.
ack, i can't wait to see more, dewey! i'm really excited about the next chapter! update soon!
Fantasy3 chapter 4 . 3/12/2004
AH! That was so good! I can't wait for the next chapter... with Patron going with the factory workers, and Dewey going with the newsies (maybe). It'll be AWESOME! Write soon, this was so good!
sniper higgins chapter 4 . 3/12/2004
hey! sorry I ahven't reviewed! I've been completly busy out of my mind! anywho! I lOVE this story! its different from all the rest ya know? any way! please keep going I seriously cannot wait for the next chapter!
~*Sniper Higgins
Sita-chan chapter 4 . 3/12/2004
How can you not be happy with this? *puppy dog eyes*
Me luffle, Dewey-lovey-face-heart-schmoozle.
Sorry this is so short, but it's my school's talent show tonight. ; MUCH longer next time, promise! *glomp!* WE MISS YOU!
-Da Sita-
CiCi chapter 4 . 3/12/2004
Loved it! I also loved the way you portrayed Mouse! Excellent job! Well I g2g I gotta babysit! YUCK! Lol cant wait for the next chapter! Luvs and Hugs CiCi
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