Reviews for With Time Comes Trust
Mally chapter 10 . 8/4
This is just great! And that life-piano analogy is brilliant!
Mally chapter 9 . 8/4
You’re brilliant! This story rocks and you write so good! Ugh... this is amazing!
something-siriusly-wrong chapter 11 . 4/13
oh crap
something-siriusly-wrong chapter 10 . 4/13
You can't just let him die, they will all be screwed and Sirius will be so reckless he'll kill himself... please tell me he'll come back
something-siriusly-wrong chapter 9 . 4/13
I'm so upset right now
something-siriusly-wrong chapter 8 . 4/13
Vernon Dursley is the perfect example of an asshole, and I hate him
something-siriusly-wrong chapter 7 . 4/13
I'm sorry, but Harry's wand is 11 inches, not 12
something-siriusly-wrong chapter 6 . 4/13
That surely is one way to handle a boy with no control of his magic...
something-siriusly-wrong chapter 4 . 4/13
Poor, sweet, innocent and adorable Harry...
something-siriusly-wrong chapter 3 . 4/13
Sirius might just be the best goddamn godfather to ever exist...He's just amazing, seriously
something-siriusly-wrong chapter 2 . 4/13
I just can't picture Severus Snape in nr 4 Privet drive, it's ridiculous
geekysole chapter 12 . 12/21/2019
gah. unforgivable. wish I didnt read this.
SirAlexei chapter 4 . 11/4/2019
I thought this chapter was both hysterical and heartbreaking. "No mess!" made me laugh
InAnnaCat chapter 7 . 2/18/2019
Well I like that Harry is rescued and healed and not going back to the dursleys. I am glad that Surius has bonded with Harry and prevented the creepy wandmaker from telling about voldys wand being his wands brother.
lojosmom chapter 4 . 7/27/2018
I don't think I have read anything sweeter than Sirius singing a lullaby to Harry in a long time.
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