Reviews for Soul Fest
Amour Mitternacht chapter 3 . 4/19/2008
This is interesting, it is as if the first book in the series had a sequel involving Death. The other books in the series revolve around the other incarnations, so it is hard to get real mention of Zane.

with love,

Mrs.Uchiba chapter 1 . 5/23/2006
i love this fanfic! its so cool, please continue... i love it! the book was awesome and the fanfiction is just as good.
Cindy Snowflake chapter 3 . 6/6/2004
anonymous chapter 1 . 3/29/2004
PrincessEilonwy chapter 3 . 3/19/2004
Poor Zane. His troubles never end, do they? Personally, if I were Satan, I'd be too scared of getting a lecture from Orb to try anything like this. . .on the serious side, update soon. I want more!
Stillwind11 chapter 3 . 3/19/2004
What a job indeed. A good job on the story, I might add!
Oh and do you realise that people who arent signed in, cannot review you? It forces me to sign in and I'm a very lazy person! I dont want to type in anything more than I have to! You should turn that feature off!
In fact I order you to! If you dont I will reach through my computer and into yours, then I will take something of yours and not give it back till you change things!
Well... I wont really do all that but you should change it!
PrincessEilonwy chapter 2 . 3/8/2004
I think I already reviewed the first chapter because it won't let me review again, but it seems to have been deleted. Anyway. . .good story so far! Update as soon as possible, I want to see what happens.
natalie P.C chapter 1 . 2/11/2004
hey, like ur story (better than mine) its really interesting and i cant wait for the next i dont get the a few parts like why he cant see Luna, and if she's fighting satan and evil why is she w/ someone who's job is to kill ppl? but its still really good.