Reviews for Oh Brother!
Wolf Dragon Demon chapter 9 . 11/4/2008
I loved your fic it was really cute. Little Duo stuffe dhis face with chocolate. Yay go Duo!
Freefall chapter 9 . 7/16/2005
That was a lovely story! I loved it! It was such a delight to read.
karina chapter 9 . 2/21/2004
really cute it.
Relwarc chapter 9 . 2/13/2004
Very cute ending to a very cute story! I love it. Please write a sequel!
Relwarc chapter 8 . 2/13/2004
Um, lots of new chapters. I lost track of this story a while ago. Well, just more to read. Great story!
BluePig chapter 9 . 2/3/2004
AAH! NOO! IT'S OVER! I loved it so much! LOVED IT! great story!
Crystalstorm chapter 9 . 1/29/2004
Good fic.I enjoyed reading .
pattyard chapter 9 . 1/29/2004
That was cool a really great story...
pattyard chapter 8 . 1/29/2004
Heero is in biger trouble...Update again soon ...I just love this story...
pattyard chapter 7 . 1/29/2004
Heero is in trouble ...This chapter was to short update again soon...
Dayz chapter 9 . 1/29/2004
Aw it was so kawaii! Nice job, ok you just made me want to read more fluffy stories. Arigato, for the story because it lit my day up (it's raining like heck in Vancouver right now). Oh yeah can you make a sequel when they're older or something (it's your story and your decision). Anyways nice job (*winks*)! Ja ne till next time...~*Dayz*~.
Mithros chapter 9 . 1/29/2004
Aww a nice happy ending ... mm chocolate...
Go writer .. go forward and write more!
Crystalstorm chapter 6 . 1/27/2004
Good the next is up is a fun fic to .
Mithros chapter 6 . 1/27/2004
Duo for a little brother .. man i feel sorry for Heero! Hee hee hee but never mind eh must be alot fun aswell!
Keep writing!
Love Claire
pattyard chapter 6 . 1/27/2004
How can I encourage you to keep writing? If I tell you I love this story will that work? If I tell you this story has a great story line and is interesting will you keep writing ? I really hope you keep writing and update soon because this is a good story and I want to here more... ok,ok,ok I'll give you a cookie and a coke if you keep update soon...
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