Reviews for Realism
AnnaAsakura chapter 24 . 6/29/2017
This is great, as long as Kyo is happy then I'm happy.
Soul Raider 116 chapter 5 . 9/10/2014
I know you wrote this a long time ago...But I feel compelled to say that when I had surgery the IV in my hand hurt a hell of a lot more than the one in my arm...just saying. Good story so far though! I'll read the rest later.
TazmaniaLizard chapter 24 . 1/22/2013
I LOVE this story love love love love it is brilliant it's just so believable so much better then the manga, I mean really would Tohru actually steal Kyo away from Kagura NO Tohru knew from the very beginning that Kagura very much loved Kyo, so In the manga it was just soooo out character that Tohru would do something like that, and god I hate Machi she is just so melodramatic and annoying, since Natsuki Takaya couldn't put Yuki and Tohru toghether like she wanted she had to make someone up so Yuki can have a love interest is BS. But your story here is believable and in character and is so wonderfully written, that I come to think that this is what really happen, but I could do without akito being female I don't know why I like him better as a boy, but anyway Fantastic job you're a fabulous writer and I hope you never lose you're writing talent.
pam chapter 24 . 2/9/2012
One word. Amazing.
Pam chapter 17 . 2/8/2012
Ahh! This story just get's better and better!
Pam chapter 13 . 2/8/2012
I'm too lazy to logg in.

This story is SO good so far!
HangryLei chapter 15 . 8/12/2011
Um...I haven't reviewed any chapter of your story until now, so I'd just like to say...! NOT TOHRU'S MEMORIES! DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX
AssassinedAngel chapter 24 . 7/31/2011
I love this story. It has the perfect amount of drama, angst, fluff, and humor. You balance everything so well, and it all flows so smoothly. It's hard to spend the right amount of time on events in a story, but I think you managed this perfectly. Her surgeries and medical things didn't drag, the drama with Akito didn't pass too quickly. I don't know how you did it, but everything seemed perfect in length, detail, and everything. Everyone was in character. And Kyo's falling in love with Kagura was brilliant. I'm glad that didn't happen too quickly. You built it up really realistically. And a drunk Tohru was just too cute proposing to Yuki like that. All in all, an incredibly amazing and adorable story. The only thing I could wish for was another epilogue, mainly because I can't get enough of your story and because I want to see how Tohru would react when she wakes up in the morning engaged to Yuki. It was nice getting Kagura's perspective of everything. Thank you for writing this story.
nequam-tenshi chapter 24 . 1/23/2010
A wonderful story!
RAWRfffff chapter 24 . 6/6/2009
I feel kind of stupid reviewing this story, because it's from '05. However, I -usually- try to review after I add a story to favorites.

This entire fanfiction was an excellent show of storytelling. It was from Kagura-chan's point of view, and your writing style is surprisingly refreshing. You didn't throw huge words no one knows at the reader, and the vocabulary is large without being confusing. The writing was informative as well as detailed, and both of those are very necessary ;3

If I had only recently finished Fruits Basket, I would have flamed you because this wasn't Pro-Kyouru, but I've definitely gotten a more open view on different pairings, and I appreciate a good Kyou/Kagure story when I can find one. Admittedly, this is one of the best I've read.

I thought Kisa was absolutely adorable, and Ritsu wasn't so shouty that he SEEMED out of character; you got a very good balance on Ritsu's personality. Go Ritchan-san! :P

IonicAmalgam chapter 24 . 4/19/2008
...such a well written happy...sad...very well written...may you write many many more

dianna chapter 24 . 7/13/2007
i LOVE this story ! i can't believe it's over !
Angelsca20 chapter 24 . 12/14/2006
This was wonderful!
Rawthorn chapter 24 . 9/25/2006
Whoa! Brilliant story! I can read it thousands of times and still not be tried of it. You're such an amazing author. D
Sutefanii-Chan chapter 24 . 8/7/2006
Awesome story! I loved this story! Great job! _
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