Reviews for Goodbyes
thatsoallen chapter 1 . 7/1/2012
Beautiful story, I'm looking forward to reading Hello Again.
parisadaja chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
i remember this was one o the first stories i read. i cried when i read it the first time and im crying right now too. you make the best angst stories
BowTies13 chapter 1 . 6/21/2010
That's really cruel!


Kiroku Ookami chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
You mean those stupid soul stealing snakes of Kikyou?

I just saw KrisCynical's deviations on Hello Again and just couldn't resist this story. If this goes with Hello, I can't wait to read it.

Indranee chapter 1 . 8/21/2009
I loved the heart of this story, the intimate look into the emotions of Kagome and InuYasha. It was easy to believe these two lovers would go to such lengths, out of love for each other, while still respecting the honor of a promise made. Both felt authentic and I respected the gifted way the author gave us a more grown-up version of the characters and maintained their integrity.

Thanks so much for a delightful read! I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories as soon as my real life gives me time to indulge. :-)
bloodhunter chapter 1 . 6/1/2009
oh my god that was sweet and sad, why couldn't inuyasha stay with kagome though that would have been sweeter now the baby has no father
Girl chapter 1 . 5/2/2009

i dont honestly think inuyasha would leave kagome 4 kikyo, and besides, the lemon was sorta... random
Kanna37 chapter 1 . 2/27/2009
Okay...that one tugged at my heart and left me in tears. All I can say is wow.

km207 chapter 1 . 11/19/2008
Short but i loved it! So sad...does this mean inuyasha died? I wish there was a continuation.
Sieg chapter 1 . 9/14/2008
As sad as ever. Great writing. Keep up the good work.

lilangelchr30305 chapter 1 . 6/25/2008
love this story
Ro0tin4Kagome chapter 1 . 11/22/2007
For some reason this story seems so familar to me. I think someone has copied this story. Because the one I read went or tried to go more indepth with this story.

If this is oringinally your story you should check that out. Just to be sure.

D but besides people trying to steal work. This one-shot was very deep and intensed and I loved it. Was perfect to me.

Great Job.
poems2songs chapter 1 . 8/19/2007
wonderful story... really liked it... sad that inuyasha still had to go... but at least kagome was able to spend time with him and have his baby... good job... great work...
pantyslime chapter 1 . 8/9/2007
RofS chapter 1 . 4/17/2007
Wow... That was really good. I just wish that Inuyasha and Kagome had gotten together in the end, but I guess that they kind of did. At least he showed that he cared for her, as a future mate, if he didn't have to die. Stupid Inuyasha...
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