Reviews for HMS Hogwarts
ilodell chapter 3 . 11/18/2012
It was a really fun story. And for once it's on the sea! And not in the castle that it always is. Really great :) Would be fun if You would do one more, maybe a little longer this time. It's fun to read something new and that's not on land all the time!
Great job! I really enjoyed reading it :)
anduelus chapter 1 . 7/5/2005
I love this fic. It is one of the best that I have read and trust me I read plenty of them. I would love to see this fic continued. Maybe a meeting with Dumbledore or even how the crew react to their captain giving the ship to Hermione.
Swimmingly Yours chapter 3 . 7/10/2004
heehee cool fic! i really enjoyed that! I learn French too
CezyAngel chapter 3 . 2/7/2004
another lovely chapter :) keep up the good work!
KDarkMaiden chapter 3 . 2/2/2004
CezyAngel chapter 2 . 1/21/2004
this is such a cute fic :) i love snape and all the excuses he uses to punish the students ("insubordination!"), haha. and lupin's fun! keep writing!
Croft chapter 2 . 1/21/2004
*sighs* The mixture of HP and Master & Commander is still superb. Especially Dennis Creevey losing his arm like Blakeney (though not because a female officer was prioritized higher by the captain, obviously :) ), "The butcher’s bill, doctor?" (such a subtle quote), and I'm not sure if it was a reference to Aubrey imitating Lord Nelson, but that was definitely my thought when I read "Though he had asked her civilly for the salt".
Lovely, lovely, lovely.
Kyra Invictus Black chapter 1 . 1/12/2004
This is very, very, very, very, very awesome. Please continue.
TapDancingKittens chapter 1 . 1/11/2004
O! Pirates and boats! Interesting. I loved what you did with Malfoy's name. Great job. Can't wait to read more.
KDarkMaiden chapter 1 . 1/11/2004
I had been thinking about writing a SSHG based on something like Master and Commander. I love that movie! Anyway, you have saved me the trouble and i am forever greatful! Its excellent! I cant wait for an update!
gisselle chapter 1 . 1/11/2004
absolutely briliant.
no other words for it.
HunnySnowBunny chapter 1 . 1/10/2004
Glow my little glow worm! GLOW! _
I liked this AU! _ And...I Could definately see Severus as a Captain! Loved the little underhanded trick Hermione played on Severus. Very good! _
Keep it up and I hope to
ahiwai chapter 1 . 1/10/2004
Oh! I loved this new take on some of my favorite characters. How you came up with the idea is amazing and I am so glad that you decided to share it! Please continue on with the story soon!
Croft chapter 1 . 1/10/2004
No constructive criticism, but definitely gushing praise. I love it! Very, very amusing; Sirius left on a deserted island, Admiral Dumbledore and his bizarre gifts, poor, clumsy Neville, the lovable Dr. Lupin and of course the wonderful Midshipman Granger and Captain Snape. Completely marvellous.
And bonus points for being inspired by Master and Commander (which I love), and liking James D'Arcy as Tom Pullings (whom I adore). The Captain's new scar wouldn't by any chance look like Pullings', would it? :)
Hope to see more of this soon.
Antigonesev chapter 1 . 1/10/2004
wonderful fic, waiting for more! :) please do update! *grin*