Reviews for Good Day
scmumsy chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
YES! NO MORE LOGAN! You go girl! Much better man, tru dat!
dancer in the night chapter 1 . 12/29/2008
beutiful story i realy liked
Orca chapter 1 . 8/26/2008
Wow. I'm an intrigued believer of your Max. I, for some reason (void of chemical-induced proponent I might add), am totally buying into this; down to the imaginary scene and voices of Alba, Ackles, etc.

Fun read. Thnx. :)
klylu chapter 1 . 4/22/2007
i liked this! :D

actually, max was a little OC, but it does happen that sometimes you just wake up from the right side of the bed, and everything changes.

so glad that max changed in that direction! lol

i just loved max and normal's exchange, and cindy smacking alec to 'help' him!

just one little thing: alec's eyes aren't blue. they're hazel-green...
liarscope chapter 1 . 3/5/2007
This is a really great story! I have to admit, at first I was rather skeptical but it is funny and witty and I hope ot read more like it!
StealerOfDreams chapter 1 . 11/20/2006
AHh, This stories been on my favourites for awhile, and I was just reading it again and figured I should finally review... That should tell you a bit about how much I like it :)

Love the story, the ONLY thing that annoys me is that you called the song Max is singing "Disease," when in fact that song is called "Unwell"... Disease is a different song by Matchbox 20. Feel free to stick your tongue out at me... I swear, a majority of DA writers love Matchbox 20.

I like 'em too.

463-Tex chapter 1 . 9/22/2006
This was entertaining, although I did have a problem with your incorrect use of "y'all" (kudos on getting the apostrophe in the correct place tho) "y'all" is a group word not a single word (conjunction of you and all). You'd probably hear a Texan say "ya" instead. Other than that I loved this story yea it was out of character for Max but so needed. Latas -Tex
Tamashii Hime chapter 1 . 4/2/2006
Great fic too... I'm enjoying the quality of your writing... I think I might go read a longer story of yours now. Wish me luck!
JeSymphony chapter 1 . 12/20/2005

This is fantastic. Wonderful.

HonorSkywalker chapter 1 . 8/10/2004
hilarious fic

I love it

Lorency chapter 1 . 6/13/2004
good one. Even if I don't like M/A pairing so much this one was...well...all totally good...;)
Michelle chapter 1 . 4/6/2004
The Anti-Max is a sweet girl after all. Thanks for showing me the possiblities.
jenna chapter 1 . 3/23/2004
i luv this story, pls continue!
jenna chapter 1 . 3/23/2004
i luv this story, pls continue!
cloudburst chapter 1 . 1/28/2004
Wow! Fayth! Man! Such a well- rounded author you are! I¡ve read a number of your work and all I can say is that every single one has a different ¡ambiance¡ (for the lack of a better word), but at the same time still contains a writing style that is uniquely your own! I¡ve said this before, I¡ll say it again¡ every new story I read from you just amazes me. You never cease to astound me with your magnificent talent. Lol. Seriously, though¡ this is such a great fic¡
I used to watch that show so much (My so-called¡) How could I not? Jared Leto was there¡ Jordan¡ hehe. Your mention of it just brought back old memories. That was like, what? 5 years ago? I was so young then. :) Yeah and I didn¡t know you were a matchbox 20 fan. They¡re good. Rob Thomas¡ rocks. By the way, the song Max was singing was unwell and not disease, right? Oh well. Sophie was a dear too. And ¡maxster¡ had me laughing till I cried. Sketch is so funny. Ending was, of course, great. How couldn¡t it be when m/a are together? Satirical take on what would happen when one day Max finally realizes stuff about Logan. Bravo to you! Over used phrase, but still, keep up the awesome job! Be safe! (",)
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