Reviews for Zutto, Isshoni
Fuji-sama chapter 8 . 1/3/2007
0.0. *sputters* Poor Soujirou/Fuji (I think). This is very original, well thought story. Love it! Really can't wait for you to update this or Shattered. You ARE going to update both... right? Hope so!
SpasticMonkey chapter 8 . 11/16/2006
I love this fic! Though it's kinda angsty... Oh wellXD It'd be great if Tezuka and Fuji will meet soon though(waves flag with the words 'TezuFuji rawks! WOO HOO!' on it XD). Lolx I hope that you'll update soonK))!
Clam.Clam chapter 7 . 11/4/2006
AH! T_T! Oh no! Update soon, please! I love how in character everyone is, more than most AUs. Please, please, please write quicklY! Or else... nn, I'll cry?
Clam.Clam chapter 5 . 11/4/2006
Lovely! What a nasty, pervy guy... poor birdy...
Clam.Clam chapter 3 . 11/4/2006
Nnf, so sad! This fanfic is seriously so good I could imagine it being the plot of a real book! (if you changed the names, of course).
Clam.Clam chapter 2 . 11/4/2006
Wow... *wishing to know what's going on*! This is such a great fic, and such a unique plot! And thank you for all the terms, I read the word "seme" and I was like... o_0... *blushes*
Clam.Clam chapter 1 . 11/4/2006
WOAH! So far this seems, so cool! I love how Fuji is so far, and it all seems so perfect!
silvermuse89 chapter 7 . 9/26/2006
I really enjoyed reading this story. The flipping back and forth from the Bakumatsu Era to the present-day is well done, and I find your character portrayals fascinating. It's fun to find a fic that has Fuji as the reincarnation of Okita, very unique idea. I hope you continue writing and updating this story.

PS: Have you seen the fanart with Fuji and Tezuka as members of the Shinsengumi?
shi583 chapter 7 . 3/9/2006
Didn't want to lose this story! It's really excellent the way that you intergrate the past with the present. I thoroughly enjoy the elements of surprise and the suspension factors. Have you, by any chance, read Peacemaker?
Orahiko chapter 7 . 11/25/2005

Oh. Hi,

I've just begun to read your story, and enjoy it very much. The way they act, speak, and interact is perfect-they're in character, and there's a very strong sense of their surroundings present, and it's interesting, as well.

The interlude to bridge the gallery and Tezuka and Fuji, If I guess correctly, is really nice.

I like it. I really like it.

I'd like to read more, but you haven't updated in a while.

I'd rather read quality than quantity, but I'm just a reader-you present, I appreciate it as much as I can.

I enjoy my part very much.

I'm sorry if I'm rude; I really do love this.
Anna chapter 7 . 7/26/2005
I'm really loving this. I've been hoping to read good PoT AU fics (with pairings I like anyway), and I'm a sucker for historical Japan, so I'm as good as sold. Hope you'll update soon!
yuki-ryou chapter 7 . 7/10/2005
...soo...tezuka's straight? or bisexual? haha, I'm so jealous, I don't like "Junko" now, but thats just me x3 haha. well, the progess of the story is going smooth, but omigod! tezuka. fuji. JUNKO? haha, I'm getting tense. well, maybe because I can never imagine tezuka being straight, so how can I agree with tezuka having a fiancee? gosh, wheres my eraser to cross that one E.

to end this review, I was just meaning to say: "I like your story, please update!" good luck, regatto-san )
yuki-ryou chapter 4 . 7/10/2005
so far, this story has gone very well. I like your style of writing, and also the nice format :) the japanese dialect in this was put very well, though I would recommend the correct term for "why" in the circumstance Eiji speaks be in "nande" hehe ; other than that, I love the story so far. nice progess )
Guest chapter 7 . 6/29/2005
Crossover wif samurai x?

huh?im totally confused !
ki-ku-maru BEAM chapter 1 . 6/11/2005
These are the kinds of writting I especially enjoy. Keep up the great work!
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