Reviews for Love and Duty
Rio 2.0 chapter 23 . 4/16/2009
So I feel this may be a pointless effort...

But I must ask what happened - for the sake of my own sanity.

I really like it.

And I hope one day it may... continue itself.. but it's been what...? 4 years now?

Funny how time escapes you. Oh well. I loved it! Will alert just *in case*
morallygrayxxvii chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
I can't believe it's been two years since you last wrote something for this fic. It's a shame, because this is one of my absolute favorite fanfictions ever. I'm shocked that you haven't blessed us with a chapter in TWO YEARS. TT
me chapter 23 . 7/7/2007
Its been two years. T_T
Wari chapter 1 . 12/5/2006
Excellent! It's one of the best Gippalai stories I've read so far. A thoughly enjoyable read.

Update soon, please?
Anon chapter 23 . 11/19/2006
I really, really enjoyed this fic. Thankyou for the time you commited, and congratulations on the result )
Ayumu and Sakura chapter 5 . 6/24/2005
Ayumu: THis is one of the most fantasimis stories i've ever read! i love it! and it gives me excuses not to talk to my freinds! adn for that you get my most humblest grattitude. *bows*

Sakura: I'm telling Molly and Shadow you said that.

Ayumu: What! no! Pwease don't Saki! Pwease? *gives her puppy dog eyes*

Sakura: Oh god. i hate it when you do that. fine i won't.

Ayumu: Sannkyu! *huggles Sakura*

Sakua: Ayumu? i can't breath.

Ayumu: *off in la la land*

Tsuzuki: i don't think he's listening.

Sakura: yeah. Hey! when the hell did you get here?

Tsuzuki: just a second ago.

Sakura: oh...well...then be useful and tell them what Sannkyu is.

Tsuzuki: Right oh! Sankyuu is Ayumu's form of Thank you.
Fire's A Beautiful Sound chapter 23 . 5/29/2005
Just added you to my faves!
Lena chapter 23 . 5/8/2005
I just realized you had updated! Yay! I don't think I've reviewed this yet, and I don't have any critisism... Its just a really good story and I hope you continue.
Gina chapter 23 . 5/3/2005
Oh my! I love you! Thank you so much for e-mailing me. I'm glad to see the chapter has been repaired.

And, as promised: *hands over a pony and a bunch of flowers*

Now I must beg that you continue for my sanity's sake! P
Gina chapter 23 . 4/30/2005
NO! Okay. *panics* Chapter 23 isn't showing up for me, it's all... well: ÐÏà"áþÿ£¥þÿ¡. :/ If you could e-mail me the chapter then I would buy you a pony and bring you flowers every day for the rest of my life. If not, then that's fine too. :P Teehee! Well, thank you, this has been the most amazing fanfic I've read. You're amazing! xoxox
morallygrayxxvii chapter 23 . 2/3/2005
well don't i feel sheepish? i've been reading you're fic diligently for some time..and i can't believe i've neglected to review! i absolutely love your writing, and i cannot wait for another chapeter. i am hoping that you will write something for valentine's day. i love your little side stories, they're great, and they give you something to think about and read while waiting for the next chapter. keep up the great work, and UPDATE .
Author Retired chapter 23 . 1/31/2005
ideas, huh. well, let's see...i suggest prolonging scenes that people are in to, you know what i mean. just to raise the suspense i am starting to see a small paturn in your writings. another thing i would suggest is to write more on other surrounding characters. they have a small role in this fanfiction and they need bigger roles to actually interact with BG.

aside from that note, the story is coming along well. good concept, the climax unfolding, and no external errors. good points with many things and almost close to the plot.

advice: if you need any angsty ideas or any help with the fanfiction, your more tha welcome to ask me for help.

PS: I'm planning on writing a Gippalai fanfiction as well. if it is ok, i would like to use some of your ideas.

Mai's Quote (my quote): There is a fine line betweenn reality and fantasy. What is real and what is not. Don't get caught up in either extreme. If you do, you'll be blinded from the truth and your answers will be lost forever.
Satin Sakura chapter 22 . 1/17/2005
I. love. you. I love you so much I'm thinking about becoming your own personal internet stalker. No, but seriously this is one of the best fanfictions I have ever read. I really liked the chapter with the shower scene. I hope you continue this fic and write many others cause you are one of the best authors around.

Peace and Love,

Author Retired chapter 22 . 1/11/2005
it has been a while since i actually reviewed stories. anyway, it's getting good but i don't really like how their personality goes of characterbut i'll let it slid on account this is one of the best fics under this category.

PS: i am a baralai fan. and i like to torture him when i write fanfics. don't ask, just know that i like adding pain onto him.

be sure to update soon,
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