Reviews for Shades of Grey
Anjion chapter 18 . 3/7/2016
You're cruel, you know that? Poor Race! Great story!
newsie dork from D.U.M.B.O chapter 18 . 4/6/2010
I take back what I said (mainly)!

You can put Race & Spot together! (though, Javid is still "out there"...)

And that's what I learned while reading this.

Another thing that I have learned:

I am not worthy.

I am not worthy..

I am not worthy...

So thank you for finishing this story. And I must say that I am really glad (and somewhat "uneasy") with your ending. I loved that it wasn't "AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER". But at the same time, I don't know what to think. (WAS it real?) It makes you question everything...

So, "bitter-sweet"(?) ending.

Loved it. Added it to favorites. (Because you made slash WORK!)


newsie dork from D.U.M.B.O.
newsie dork from D.U.M.B.O chapter 2 . 12/9/2009
i like it so far...

but race/spot slash? really?


you might (and thats a big might) get away with jack/davey, but race/spot?

dont think that i'm saying youre a bad person by writing that. you are completey free to voice your own opinion... and, therefore, so am i: i just cant see the two together... sorry.

(p.s. if you're wondering about my it.)

(p.p.s. you probably won't. you're probably thinking "you want me to put that effort in? 'you nuts?" i'll just tell you...D.U.M.B.O. is an accronym.-stands for Down Under [the] Manhattan Bridge Overpass.)

(p.p.p.s. and yes *shakes head* that means i live in nyc. [actually, "technically speaking", that means that i live in brooklyn] just had to say that before anyone thought that i was mixing up my disney movies...)
ChrisVertner chapter 11 . 1/5/2009
ok. i'm having deja vu cause i've read a naruto fic simular to this. it was a nejixgaara story. and it was sorta like this. being in two different worlds sorta thing. but still. i like this. and i'm totally wondering what's gonna happen when spot and jack go through to where race is. ahh the suspence...i will read what happens now. hehe.
ChrisVertner chapter 2 . 1/5/2009
i read One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest for english 3. and when i started reading this fic...though i hadn't thought of that book in forever...i noticed the simularities. but also when the voice first started speaking to racetrack...before i knew it was a man i could imagine the voice of the warden on "death race" i dont know why though. but i do know i hate her. she's such a very bad word.

i like the story so far though. makes me wonder what's really going on. and if poor racetrack will ever get out of it.
Falco Conlon chapter 1 . 4/6/2008
Can I just mention briefly how glad I am you came to the fandom (even if I am, what, five years late in saying it?) I'm so stoked for this fic, I've heard so many good things. Plus, I feel like it's a classic, one that every devoted fan should read. So here we go. Should be incredible.
DewStream chapter 1 . 9/27/2007
Wow, what a creative idea! I'm definitely reading the rest of this story! (Ha...I love how we both have characters named Tag!) This is so funny. I love it! Thank you so much for writing this!
Queen Kez the Wicked chapter 18 . 4/8/2007
i'm relieved, yet.. very uneasy. very unsettled. and of course i still don't know what to think about the whole asylum real/not real hallucinations/time travel/whatsit. if i analyze it i will probably end up shooting myself out of frustration, soo.. none of that.

did you always plan to have it slashy or did that just sort of come up with race mentioned Spot in one of the first few chapters? i think it worked out really nicely with the slash, if only because i LOVE sprace but also Race needed someone who cared about him enough to rescue him and see him through "recovery" (or some semblance of it).


sigh. it's over, and now i can relax. sort of. i'm so glad i finally got to this, and apologies AGAIN for taking so long. but i loved it (obviously)! and i love you! and i hope georgia is awesome and let's talk soon!

with love,

Queen Kez the Wicked chapter 17 . 4/8/2007

if he chooses wrong just so we can have a twist on the ending and a very unhappy tragedy story.. i will HUNT YOU DOWN.

i'm not even kidding. you think georgia is far? it's not. oh no, it's not.
Queen Kez the Wicked chapter 16 . 4/8/2007
this story just gets better and better - in suspense but also in quality, which i only mention because i noticed that you basically wrote it over 2 or 3 years, so it would only make sense.

i'm really tense. i need race to be normal. and i need him to be with spot. and i need jack to just fade away for a second.

normal race pleeaassee
Queen Kez the Wicked chapter 15 . 4/8/2007
bwaah jack/race? oh noo. i love the sprace though. SPOT COME BACK YOU'LL ALWAYS BE MANLY NO MATTER WHAT.


and now i have to take a break and i can't even get to the conclusion etuhritwejkrnalw

-sends race a get well soon card-
Queen Kez the Wicked chapter 14 . 4/8/2007
they.. they did it? but wait there are still 4 chapters left? right now i'm practically PRAYING that the four chapters are all fluffy and sweet and rehabilitation but.. i know you better than that.

or do i?

i don't know anything! this damn fic. honestly. HONESTLY.

i wanna know about that glow though. etc.

Queen Kez the Wicked chapter 13 . 4/8/2007
i think i held my breath for the last like 5 paragraphs. either way, i'm almost hyperventilating right now. ONWARRD.

ps pitch is awesome and she needs a giant hug
Queen Kez the Wicked chapter 12 . 4/8/2007
i love spot and jack to the rescue! whew, finally. ok so we know race isn't crazy (uh in theory) (uh, yet) but what is this weird time traveling thing? or..?

yeah you know what i'm not even going to bother listing things we "know" beause when I tried to i realized we didn't "know" that much after all.

i guess.. yeah i'm just as confused as usual. onward!
Queen Kez the Wicked chapter 11 . 4/8/2007

2) i love, love, LOVE spot in this. he is, um, quite fine. woo. and.. ok pretty much i just love him.

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