Reviews for Draco's Spirit
Lily chapter 6 . 2/26/2017
This is really interesting
rhythmbluesgirl chapter 5 . 2/17/2017
5th review. Ahhhhh Lucius makes me so angry! Narcissa is her own person gosh dang it! The Sina reveal was really good, I was surprised. Does the robe change symbolise the change in his *inner goodness*?
rhythmbluesgirl chapter 4 . 2/17/2017
4th Review. Oh my God so many cliffhangers! I have wanted to know who this Sani person is for like three chapters now! What's going to happen to Narcissa? Who knooooooows? The cliffhangers are very well done, they make want to keep reading without being too annoying. I like Narcissa's character.
rhythmbluesgirl chapter 3 . 2/17/2017
3rd Review. I really like how all the characters are in, well, character. That sounds dumb but I'm sure you know what I mean. You can always tell who's talking! I'm enjoying this secret good side of Draco!
rhythmbluesgirl chapter 2 . 2/17/2017
2nd Review! I really liked seeing the dynamics of the Malfoys, very interesting to see where Draco came from. But the best bit is that cliffhanger!
rhythmbluesgirl chapter 1 . 2/17/2017
Ooh, your first HP fic! I'm excited! Intriguing so far! I will try to review every chapter. My favourite bit was Draco trying to talk to Mr Weasley just after bad mouthing him. A true Slytherin!
Liv-Love-Work-Play-READ chapter 21 . 11/2/2013
Great story I wish you'd continue it xxx
Really Cinderella chapter 21 . 7/16/2009
I hope you keep going with this sometime! You rock!
a fan chapter 21 . 4/4/2008
u no, id really like it if u would update sometime soon. iv finished all ur harry potter storys, this leaves me w/nothing 2 read
fwakes47 chapter 1 . 1/4/2008
I really liked your story. Pity your no longer writing it :(
Cactus Wrynn chapter 21 . 11/6/2007
caramary chapter 21 . 1/20/2007
Meh! I wish you'd update this I love the story, for once Draco gets to be the hero, you can't just leave him hanging!

*pulls Draco up next to her*

Draco: What where am I?

Cara: You're here to convince Icy to continue this fic.

Draco: Oh yeah. Come on Icy I wanna go beat the evil demons. *pouts*

Cara: Thank you Draco.

So as you can see Icy. Please continue. You know Draco wants you to.
xx-Mione-Fan-xx chapter 21 . 9/29/2006
Hello. Great story so far. I really do love it. And I really like Leila, Mia and Mandela. Theyre awesome! ;) Annywayy I really hope you update soon, please. And I think you're an awesome writer, I've read alotta your stories [Harry Potter ones that is] and I really enjoy them. Anywayy this story was really good. And hurray up and update or there'll be hell to pay! ;) Lmao. Kidding Kidding. But still, Update soon.

Lotsa Love
Ami the Elemental Sorceress chapter 21 . 5/11/2006
please write more
DarkSummerNights chapter 21 . 4/16/2006
ok, i just devoted about 4 hours into reading this fic and im liking it, though personally i think it needs a bit more draco/hermione, but it looks interesting and im just hoping you update soon.
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