Reviews for Café Noir
lapaxlove chapter 1 . 8/18/2013
What more canI say, you're a great writer, & your fics are making me love this pairing more & more! Keep up the good work!
Sexy Ninja Muffin chapter 1 . 11/2/2012
Oh my... I melted. Where can I find this amazing cafe that I can apply to and have Vincent Valentine draw me?
Rose Crowess chapter 1 . 3/12/2010
Oh I lovved that! I kept looking at how much there was left of the story as I was reading and wishing the scroll bar would get smaller so there'd be magically more to read ; Well written, and sweet. There should be more AU FFVII fics!
MnlLolita chapter 1 . 11/30/2008
It's beautiful! -
LittleZmogTheCrimsonMooMoo chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
This was really good, very cute too. I almost melted a little at the 'muse' I really think you should continue with this...write some more...please! _
CheshireCatGrin3421 chapter 1 . 7/29/2008
AW! so cute :)
Glimmer of Brutality chapter 1 . 7/5/2008

This one-shot made me squeal with joy! For one thing, this has to be the most innocent thing i've ever read. I'm not really a big suck-up for sugar fluff, but hey, Vincent and Tifa can pull it off a lot better ... as long as Vincent's not some goofy, dumb airhead.

THANK GOD you didn't do that. The characterization was excellent.
misikoblossom chapter 1 . 7/4/2008
There's something darkly romantic about this; so beautiful.
RenjiLuvah chapter 1 . 6/9/2008
I don't usually read AU, but I have to say I'm glad I stopped by here. I love VinTi and even though this is AU, I can picture Vincent as a dark, sophisticated loner who sips black coffee. Even though you've only captured a few moments, this oneshot is firm in expressing the chemistry between the pair and keeps the reader interested. I also didn't spot any major grammar mistakes.

So Tifa is Vincent's muse. That put a smile on my face.

Loved it. :D
TifaValentine99 chapter 1 . 6/1/2008
Suu9 chapter 1 . 10/17/2007
I loved this ... The way you depicted Vincent in the last part of the story seemed so erotic. Mind you, anything coming from the French language seems to be erotic.

Tifa ... a muse *squeals*
MadBrilliant1880 chapter 1 . 6/21/2007
fantastic. i loved it. it's very sensual and rich
Yvonnia chapter 1 . 6/15/2007
That was...refreshing. Thank you for sharing it.
Xtreme Nuisance chapter 1 . 3/13/2006
holy crap. If I saw someone that looks like Vincent walking down the street, I would jump him. Or imagine myself jumping him. :D Right then. I love it and keep writing... more VinTi. :D So... PEACE.
yellowchocobo chapter 1 . 11/8/2005

im in love with this piece of work!
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