Reviews for Perception of Self
Violet chapter 1 . 7/15
This was a beautiful story! It was angsty, (I love angst) and sad, but also super fun to read! Great job 3
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18
This was so good I wish it continued to discribed poppys reactions
Anonymous chapter 1 . 10/6/2019
It is just as horrible as you realize.
I'm a guy who developed anorexia after years of emotional and physical abuse, and after being taught that anorexia is "for insane people" or that it's "wrong" on some sort of moral ground, it wasn't something I could stand to face- and honestly, I still feel disgusted after eating. I don't know if it'll ever go away, but I can only hope for the best (I'm not an optimist).
Thank you for the fic; it was well-written and you clearly did research which is always something that I appreciate. I hope in the future you'll write more stories that I'm sure will be a joy to read.
komal.kahlon chapter 1 . 10/5/2019
I hate Hermione and Neville. Love Ron.
Thank you. Thank you for writing this.
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 1/1/2019
very good
Debora chapter 1 . 9/19/2018
I don't know about bulimia, but i do about anorexia and i can tell you that it can be so bad that just seeing food adverts or pictures of food or just the mention of food or eating of any kind is enough to have you doubled over dry heaving. It's really really difficult to recover from and it's not something that you just 'get over'.
TweakyGhostLover chapter 1 . 11/28/2017
Ohhhh please I need to know what happens
DeidreCypress chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
Wow. Despite you not having Bulimic Anorexia, you managed to write how Harry was feeling almost perfectly.
ecoenarciso chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
I love this story! It is amazing! Do you plan writing a sequel?
Anyway, thank you for having written it! :)
Guest lol chapter 1 . 7/19/2016
this has been one of the best harry potter fanfic sever written in my opinion. I love how real you made Harry's eating disorder and since I've had bulimia and anorexia I can tell you that you're pretty accurate. I love the ending and man I love this so much. I just want to say thank you also. I was on the egde of relapsing my bulimia not long ago and this was been the thing to pull me back up and I realized how awful it really was because this made me remember again how horrible and hell like an eating disorder really is. Thank you so much for making this
Guest chapter 1 . 5/19/2016
This story is kind of old, but I was compelled to write a review anyway.

I have Bulimia, so I know the hell that eating disorders are. I just kind of wanted to comment briefly on your note at the end. As someone who has an eating disorder and has been in and out of hospitals for it, I have never in my life heard of Bulimic Anorexia until this story. I once heard of Bulimarexia but as it turns out that's not considered a real eating disorder, it doesn't even show up under the EDNOS/OSFED list. Also, all Bulimics are average or overweight, this is a criteria for being diagnosed with Bulimia (the DSM for eating disorders is actually very specific and strict). If a Bulimic person falls into the underweight category, they are then diagnosed with Anorexia Binge/Purge Subtype, which is basically all of the same things a Bulimic person does, but they just happen to have an underweight BMI.

Other than that, I do think you handled the spiral into an eating disorder quite well. It doesn't always start off with an obsession with being thin, but after the habits are established, it easily turns into a full blown eating disorder. It's a mentally and physically exhausting disorder, and it can take a toll on your whole life: from friends, to school, to hobbies. Once you have an eating disorder, it becomes the most important thing in your life. I know that I've ignored personal responsibilities just so I can have enough time to binge and purge and spent money that I needed for other things on binge food. It's such a powerful compulsion and extremely difficult to break away from.

I really would have liked you to have gone a bit further into Harry's descent into Bulimic tendencies. (Probably because I'm a Bulimic and therefore biased). Hoarding food is definitely a Bulimic tendency, but I would have liked to see him do more binging. Binging is one of the major aspects of Bulimia (again, it's actually required for a diagnosis. If a person purges without binging, they actually have purging disorder, which falls under EDNOS/OSFED), and I actually find it to be the worst and most mentally damaging part of the disorder. You could have gone a bit more into how isolating, uncontrollable and unstable the act of binging really is. I don't know the exact time from of this story, but if Harry had been purging for awhile, you could have also brought in some of the early physical side effects of purging: such as Russel's signs (scars on the knuckles and hand from throwing up), decaying teeth, bloated cheeks, distended abdomen and general stomach/throat pain.

I would like to comment on the fact that you have a very nice writing style. It flowed well and it was easy to read and visualize. I think you had most of the characters pretty in character considering the subject matter. The only person I thought was a bit off was Hermione. She kind of pulled a Ron there with Harry towards the end with ignoring him and being overly angry. I just don't see her being like that, though it's understandable.

I know this review was kind of all over the place, but I just wanted to shed some light on eating disorders as they're one of the most misunderstood mental illnesses out there. I really did like this story, I thought it was well done and enjoyable to read from start to finish.
ScorpionFlower24 chapter 1 . 3/27/2016
WOW! Amazing! Despite that you haven't experienced bulimia or anorexia, it seems that you really understood what goes on in Harry's mind :) It was great in exploring his character, and I loved how his friends cared for him... Ron was so sweet 3 Keep writing, amazing fic!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/27/2016
That is really interesting.
Ghost258 chapter 1 . 7/6/2015
What happened next
Love Of Blood chapter 1 . 7/4/2015
I hope that you continue with this story.
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