Reviews for Death and Transfiguration of a Poet
Guest chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
ohhh... That is fucking creepy. I'm reading this and what happens?

El Tango De Roxanne starts playing.

Smart, iPod, smart.
firebolt669 chapter 1 . 4/29/2007
oh my God..I don't know if you'll get this review four years laster, but if you do...that was so dark and twisted and disturbing and wonderful and frightening and awsome! And...the ending...eating him? Oh, Bravo
The Sugarfaerie chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
This fic is wickedly amusing. *cackles madly* I love it. Fabulously dark. Especially the ending *cackles even more madly*. The dialogue at the end- superb. (Dominatrix and Tattoo, ah, gotta love 'em. Dominatrix has had to dispose of bodies before? *grins evilly* I wonder why...).

Adding to my favourites.
NorahNorahNorah chapter 1 . 7/14/2005
This still remains one of my very favourite MR stories ever. It's got a timeless quality and your language, imegery, tone and characterization stagger me with how perfect they are.
babbel fish chapter 1 . 11/19/2004
I must say i realy enjoyed that. I'm not a big fanfic reader but this was realy well writen. I think you captured the whole mood perfectly and Nini was writen increadably well. I'm looking forword to more chapters of this story.

I'm just a tad confused but I'm sure it will come clear whith more to come.
those-cheekbones chapter 1 . 11/15/2004
Woah! This is an AWESOME fic! I was having such a good time reading this! It's a TOTALLY new perspective of Nini! Lol I love it!
Eyeliner Stars chapter 1 . 10/12/2004
Wow, that is a completely new take on Nini.

That was great, you really captured everything and included lots of the cancan girls and other performers.

Good job.
zeldazonk chapter 1 . 1/16/2004
This is amazing.
Black Tangled Heart chapter 1 . 12/10/2003
This is seriously getting better with every reread. I just can’t quite gather all the words I have for it (and that’s a good thing, dear). I can actually imagine this happening . . . and it isn’t a bizarre thought. It’s completely realistic. It’s one of those pure gems that you find something new and unexpected and thrilling in every time you read it.
I love love love LOVE this bit: ‘Nini dragged a wineglass from between Urchin’s dirty wrists and downed the contents. Dominatrix was spinning Gypsy’s stiletto with casual finesse. China Doll had slumped lethargically on the Argentinean’s lap. Liberty murmured something and Historic’s slender face slowly spread under the crimson wings of an artificial smile. Nothing changed.’
Perfect atmosphere creation, I felt like I was there.
You’re a lovely deity. Did you know?
Rosemarie-ouhisama chapter 1 . 11/30/2003
Dear, you are a complete and utter devil.
(that was a compliment, not a flame, by the way.)
Oh-what would poor Satine say? (Interesting, actually, that everyone worries about Harry but no one considers Satine-that she might be the first to go to the gendarmes and finger Nini.)
You got Nini absolutely dead-on, by the way (no pun intended.) Her inner rage at the poet at the beginning is actually my favorite part. The back-and-forth banter at the end section is also excellent. The middle portion is a bit more problemmatic, in terms of being over-the-top and sometimes unclear as to who's doing what to whom. (But you probably already knew that.)
And the ending-oh, wait, I think I just got it. (Would Nini serve filet to Satine?)
butterflydancesinthedark chapter 1 . 11/30/2003
You thought _that_ was bad, are you insane! Oh dear, I'm sorry if this seems out of place, but this is one of my absolute favourites of yours. You left me sitting here bouncing and clapping and whooping and laughing my head off! This was just too entertaining to be sad. A mislabelled tragedy (to me, at least). ;)
I wish I'd written this. I'd go through and pick apart its loveliness in characterisation, imagery, plot, language, the last couple of lines!, the whole of the thing because all are just superb, but I'm too amused to focus on the sober technicalities. In a nutshell, I really, really, really [ad nauseum] love this. *hugs story* And for now I have no other words for it than jumbled ravings. Later I shall come back and jump and laugh and praise it again, oh it's sublime. Now I want breakfast all the more. :D