Reviews for Time is of the Essence
anon chapter 2 . 11/17/2008
if you're still here...


you have a great writing style and a nice take on a fun cliche here!
RiverofWind chapter 2 . 2/13/2008
I found this story because it has the same title as one of mine, and I just got around to reading it - its brilliant, but no update since '04? This story has such potential, don't let it die!
Viridian chapter 2 . 11/15/2007
Ah, I'm rather depressed you have no sign of intending to continue this story. It really is heads above most other time-travel stories, with a believable situation, characters that act and respond in believable ways, and much effort in presenting them with clarity and depth. I'll have to put this on story alert anyway, just in case.
knarly chapter 2 . 3/10/2007
Oh, this is good - different from all the other time-travel fics. I wish you'd continue it.
kateydidnt chapter 2 . 3/10/2007
*groan* This is SUCH a good start but it hasn't been updated in so long. Whay do I always do this to myself?
Von chapter 2 . 5/2/2006
This is very interesting, and certainly more unique than most! I would very much like to see what happens.. you seem to be indicating that the timeline he is in now is already subtly different than Harry's own past.. which means any moves he makes from here on in are actually the natural course of time.. any changes he makes are not changes at all, but are instead first time any of it is happening... as it were.

I hope Harry feels better after he wakes up. I did get the distinct impression that the potion.. thing.. had adled his mind a little.. making him a little slow.

Till next time! (AND GO HARRY! You tell your dad off! Maybe it'll take his son to snap some sense into him)
Sarah chapter 2 . 3/27/2006
looking at the last update, I'm hoping you haven't abandonned the fic...

That said, you should know that you deserve WAY more than just 54 reviews...

hopefully you'll get back to it... ;)
FuNnY cIdE chapter 2 . 3/25/2006
Pretty much amazing and insanely well written. I like the realisticness of all the characters, and I think they are, lol.

Keep On Writing;)
purrbaby101 chapter 2 . 3/17/2006
Wow, amazing work! This is really good! I hope you continue it, I'm interested. Please? Quoting you, "because there shall be a plot, even if it kills me-..." Your not dead, right? So you can update and have a plot? _ Lol, anyway, looking forward to reading more!
donahermurphy chapter 2 . 2/13/2006
Just saw this when I was browsing through the C2 categories. I must say, I'm rather impressed. Few timetravel fic are this well-written, with such realistic characters.

Keep up the good work! (And I do hope you update soon, you have a very promising story on your hands.)
faelyn leaf chapter 2 . 11/13/2005
This is a brilliant story. If you choose not to continue it, would you mind if I use the premise? It won't be nearly as good, but this story needs to be finished!

Harry's reactions, Lily and James ... everything was spot on. I love it.
Dattatreya chapter 2 . 10/25/2005
This is very original and I think you should continue your work on this piece. The language is good and the flow even.
xdarkangel5290x chapter 2 . 9/16/2005
wow...this is definately interesting! please update!
alwaysariyana chapter 2 . 9/14/2005
Hmm. I liked it I guess. It was strange.
No.names.availible chapter 2 . 8/21/2005
Ah well... We have a long lack of updates...

*sad smile* While that dissapoints me, I still think the story was brilliant.

Great work, I hope you continue so I can see if my theories about what is going on are correct or not. And just because the story is excellent and it /should/ be continued.

So try? It's all I ask.

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