Reviews for Little Lost Rabbit
LoveroftheMoon chapter 8 . 2/15/2016
Please finish this story it is very interesting! I would love to hear the ending!
seriahime chapter 8 . 4/9/2010
This is my all time favorite story of the senshi ever written, you are an awesome writer. Please finish it, I mean its good where it stands but I would love to see what happens next...
MadaMag chapter 1 . 3/7/2007
Wow this story is worth of Sailor Moon Nobel Prize!

It cover all, or most of the questions, explain what isn't clear if not in science way, then in logic!

Please one more chapter to go!
Irul chapter 8 . 8/7/2006
Oh my god!What a great story! I love it so much! I hope you would update it soon. Please do cause it is such a great story! Excellent work!
Marie chapter 8 . 6/30/2006
No words can desccribe how amazing this story is but I'll try. This has to be the most complex and almost spirtual fan fic I've ever read. I like how you kind of set it up like a frame tale. Brilliant idea. I particularly like Hotaru's narrative. She is such a quiet and aloof figure,its good to see some of the focus on her. Overall, great story and PLEEASE finish.
LadyKnight Allegra chapter 1 . 7/2/2005
Hi ) I love your story - evocative, complicated, and a fascinating twist. I was wondering if you were going to finish it or it you've discontinued it?
LadyKnight Allegra chapter 8 . 4/4/2004
What a beautiful story. Absolutely brilliant. Can't wait till you update. :D
Robin Robinson chapter 8 . 2/12/2004
It is a good story but finish it!
One more chapter even if only;
and the universe perished and Crystal Tokyo was built, Rei complained and the empty world was happy ever after...
Robin Robinson
Katie chapter 8 . 10/7/2003
So...where's the rest? I really loved this chapter, I've been waiting patiently for so long. It was worth it. Can't wait to read the rest!
Tokyo Rabbit chapter 8 . 8/16/2003
Wow! This is such a beautiful story. Every theory you have has some sort of backing to where it is not just some boundless piece of whatsits. And the biblical tie in is so lovely. I'm so tired though, I cannot finish it. I'll come back and finish this chapter, no doubt. So beautiful, except for all the grammer mistakes, but that's okay. I'll forgive you, this time. And if you're still looking for a beta-reader, I'm up to it. See ya later.
Tokyo Rabbit chapter 3 . 8/15/2003
It's a very interesting story and I'll finish it in the morning. A note though, there is a vast amount of grammer mistakes that you need to fix. Other than that, can't wait to finish reading it.
Wreath of Roses chapter 8 . 8/15/2003
I can't believe you are finishing this! Power to the people! I guess all of our nagging has really made a difference, and it has made my day to see this story!

Writing this chapter from Saturn's point of view is really interesting, seeing that she is the representaion of death. Also, someone has been reading their book of Revelation. The "four horsemen" and the seven angels with the bowls and trumpets, you missed the seven seals though.

I did notice a few minor spelling and grammer mistakes but that can be fixed if you had an editor or beta reader. Keep up the excellent work! Ja.
Marni chapter 8 . 8/14/2003
It is great to see this story continued!
quirkygrl chapter 7 . 4/4/2003
I know that you have probably forgotten this wondeful story that you wrote but after reading it I had to write and tell you how beautifully written and moving it is. I know that it's unlikely but I thought that maybe you had finished the whole thing and would allow me to read it. But even if you didn't I hope you are still writing, your words leap off the page...I hold my breath waiting for the next chapter to load...I hope you are not wasting your talent.
Jenelf chapter 7 . 1/31/2003
This is amazing! Please say you haven't given it up! You haven't updated since 2001! Please, please, please write more!
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