Reviews for When Good Kitties Go Bad
RedSennacy chapter 9 . 3/15/2005
Hello again! Again, why are there not more reviews? :( there very much so should be. I read the first chapter of this story about a year ago, and never knew that there was more to it, much less other works. You are so creative, and I normally don't like to butter people up, but I'm entralled with your writing. This is my favorite story so far, and I enjoyed so much watching Seto and Yami go at it, hehehe, they are so fun to watch quarrel and fight. i LOVED the kissing scene, it was so funny! Exactly something that Yami would think of just to save their asses! Keep writing!
fox-puppets chapter 9 . 9/26/2004
i read this some time ago, sorry for not reviewing then. no doubt this is one of the THE most well-written 'set in ancient egypt' stories around. _
silverrowan chapter 9 . 7/1/2004
Interesting story which I like a lot.

ani05tersrVIP chapter 8 . 5/22/2004
Kick ass, though I'm sure you've already been told so.
ani05tersrVIP chapter 4 . 5/22/2004
_ These animals are sneaky; they're out for all they can get!
ani05tersrVIP chapter 3 . 5/22/2004
Finally got around to reading this one. Loving it so far and I'm sure it'll keep on.
RogueRaven21 chapter 9 . 3/8/2004
That was absolutely fantastic! I'm so glad you finished it, I've been following it from the begining. You are a highly skilled writer, please keep writing!
Toboe LoneWolf chapter 9 . 1/5/2004
That was such a sweet ending! Go Tea/Yami! Seriously, once the Egyptain manga arc is over, you should continue this. If the hanger you left open works, of course. *cocks head* I love the social gameplay you use; the conversational back-and-forth battle between various characters. It makes YGO much more like a "gaming" story-line. See you!
Death T-2 chapter 9 . 12/24/2003
I woulda reviewed dooner but something is terribly wrong with the thingamabob on top the doohicky right next to the whirleegig. Yeah, that thing.
But good work! I enjoyed this. Exept for the kiss, Seto had every right to bite that hard...
chattypandagurl chapter 9 . 12/20/2003
Nice ending! I like it! SETO! Heh...hope you make a sequal to it!
Amiasha Ruri chapter 9 . 12/15/2003
Aw! Both sad and nice. Loved the ending with Seto and Yami. *Nod* Hm.. .I can't think of much to say, besides that this story was great, and very interesting. I hope you write another story or such soon. _ Great fic.
rlenavampyre14 chapter 9 . 12/15/2003
heheh good ending dragoness, my you must be old heheh I sound like a little seven year old, ah you leave things open, smart heheh also this way you probably won't get many flames _
Capito Celcior chapter 8 . 12/15/2003
Hey, just an epilogue? I thenk you should consider a sequel. If you don't, I'll send something EVIL for you.
I can.
Well, I could.
I just might.
I would Try!
nobody chapter 9 . 12/15/2003
that was a fantastic story and i really enjoyed reading it.
Ieyre chapter 8 . 12/14/2003
I love this fic! I was one of the first to review it, back when it was posted in the summer and I knew it was awesome then! I almost wish it was a longer fic, though, SO GOOD. I absolutely ADORED Seto's character, Yami and his conversations, them getting in trouble, the poor parents. It was all great, Bakura too!
I hope in the epilogue Seto and Yami meet again or something along those lines. Can't wait till they see each other again! How will they react? It's gonna be great!
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