Reviews for Swords to Plowshares
Mrs Rosa Riddle chapter 4 . 8/23/2011
This is really fantastic, I cant wait to read more - I hope there will be more *puppy eyes* :)
Redlightspin chapter 4 . 5/4/2006
very dramatic hope you continue the story this a part of the hp series I don't think enough people explore. Already for the next hp book I predict Percy(very ambitious and follows rules to the point it hurts other like his family) and Ron(had pettigrew for a pet and easily jealous following into a short temper just screams traitor) are going to play very imporant parts they've barely had much of a role yet the author keeps them going as compared to bill or charlie's roles. SO she has to have some use for them later.
no one chapter 4 . 2/24/2006
What the hell!

getting to the good part and cutting off?

No offence, i'm a real fan of suspence and cliff hangers, but a story like this needs more than Four chapters. if you're not gonna work hard, then don't work at all!
Global Thrasher chapter 4 . 10/2/2004
Like were it's going, so you may continue... please?
cooldot chapter 4 . 8/10/2004
OMG! This is such a great Percy fic! You delve into his psyche and develop his character way more than he is in the books! Keep going with this story! ( Percy's mixing with Lucius, eh? Now THAT would be interesting indeed...) Please write more soon! Don't make us wait too long!
sibbo chapter 4 . 8/10/2004
This fic's getting really interesting , hope you update :)
Backroads chapter 3 . 12/23/2003
OOh, this is incredible. I'm very impressed with your characterization of Percy-in first person, nonetheless! He's more than J. K. has revealed about him-which, I suppose, is the idea of fanfiction of this sort-but he is still distinctly Percy. Your slow build-up and recap of these events is good for showing Percy's feelings and reactions. I especially like his interest in these names. I can't wait to see where you go with this.
nononononame chapter 2 . 12/6/2003
The introduction of Oliver Wood was an interesting twist. Will he become a reoccuring character, or was he just a passing link to Percy's former life? Either way, it certainly caught my interest. Percy's diction and whatnot seems near perfect; as I said before, you've made Percy very Percy. You've also given him depth, though, that he doesn't often get. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. You seem to be taking your time, which is a good thing. I always seem to rush my stories along faster than I should.
(random postcript: While reading this chapter I set the song "I Will" from the Radiohead album "Hail to the Thief" on repeat. The slow, solemn pace of it went well with the chapter, I think.)
Newt chapter 2 . 12/5/2003
Its a pretty good story, continue it, please. Its rather intersting.
nononononame chapter 1 . 11/15/2003
Okay. Just to warn you, I'm writing this as I review, so I don't forget anything, and I've grown a bit used to the style of long review, so bear with me.

First off, you're doing really well with the first-person narrative. Percy sounds like Percy. Not many people can do that well, particularly with a character like Percy. More often Percy ends up sounding like the author.

I also really like the little details in your imagery. For some reason, the image of Ron shuffling the chess pieces behind his back caught me off guard. It was a nice touch that you don't often see in fanfiction.

The big thing, I think, that you achieve is making Percy Percy, but also human at the same time. Many people just drive him into stereotype, particularly after the last book.

Cheers! I can't wait to see what you have in store. (Now I feel like I should go work on my Percy story...which I've negleted for a long, long time.)
Slainte chapter 1 . 11/14/2003
Reading this after The Palmer Method made me cry to read the scene where Percy plays chess with Ron. This is another solid work, you are a superior writer. It looks like this will continue. I shall look for more.
Chelle-sama chapter 1 . 11/11/2003
Oh, excellent!

Percy was very much in character, it wasn't sappy, it wasn't angsty, and it answered very well the question of just what happened to Penny.