Reviews for The Veils Over Others' Eyes
scribbledog chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
Sheeesh that was... crazy mind blowing
shugokage chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
Amazing and interesting story good job!
Rose1948 chapter 1 . 6/2/2012
::chuckles:: Quite the read. Quite the read indeed. I wonder what would happen if you decided to continue this. At any rate, I enjoyed this wonderful little chuckle-fest. Thanks for sharing.
Demons Of Doom chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
Nice! I loved the "shampoo's stupid" part
The-Jaron chapter 1 . 7/15/2008
the last bit was a bit wild

i liked the story, but im unsure if you will/have ever do/done a sequel,

l like the ranma here, and akanexmousse is unique to say the least

Jaron out
wolf fullmoon chapter 1 . 10/10/2004






But...I kinda...enjoyed...this...sick, twisted and downright WRONG fanfic...Ryoga's in love with RANMA! Akane likes Duck-boy...NABIKI IS A...SICK YURI GIRL! RANMA AND SHAMPOO REALLY DO LIKE EACH OTHER (now that part...was a bit okay...) THIER PARENTS HIRE SADISTS TO KIDNAP AKANE? KASUMI IS A WHORE! IS A FREAK! THE KUNO FAMILY ARE THE SAVIORS OF THE WORLD! Please tell me...were you high on anything when you wrote this?



This is the most violent review I've ever written...more than the one where Kurama (from yu yu hakusho) gets turned into a girl...
Nanenna chapter 1 . 9/16/2004
okay, that was good. very imaginative! are you going to write a second chapter or just leave us with out imaginations? i can't beleive what an incredibly good author you are!
L.S.McGill chapter 1 . 9/18/2001
Humm... this one is just sadistic in that it ends... Where's the rest of it? More more more!
mimarin chapter 1 . 8/24/2001
Whoooeeee. Wicked satire of the Ranma 1/2 world. I can't take it seriously, but if ya look at it from a skewed angle, it does make sense. Alhtough I think you may be a bit too generous on Shampoo's part. But it's still good.
NemesisZero chapter 1 . 7/20/2001
wow, this is frighteningly IN-charecter stuff. except maybe shampoo, i mean she's not as stupid as alot of people think, but she really never acts anywhere near this perceptive. i just don't buy her actions. otherwise, keep it up!
Ki-Chan1 chapter 1 . 7/10/2001
Well, that certainly was a Freudian experience. I feel like I just got out of my psy. class o.o Very interesting. I like it, yes indeed very well done. I didn't much care for teh Ukyou-Nabs coupling, but eh that's just me, I did like Shampoo tho' very cute. Keep up the good work
Durandall chapter 1 . 5/24/2001
I have to say - this is a thought provoking piece. Most likely not what Takahashi had in mind when the manga was written, but at least something that makes us take a step back and actually examine the goings-on in the Ranmaverse. Anyone who lets their biases interfere with their enjoyment of this fic gets what they deserve. ;)
Deep chapter 1 . 5/24/2001
Remind me to never read your stories again. I see so much favorism for Shampoo or Ukyou. It sort of make me sick. When did Shampoo become all of a sudden so perceptive? If her hair wasn't purple color, I would have suspect it would be blond, regardless of her race. Heck, who heard of purple hair? Likely, she have dyed it. Anyway, I think she's a bimbo, and I don't think she had a brain. And for her to have a decent conversation with Ranma? And you have him sleep with the slut? Yuck! No harsh feeling, just don't like your ideas.
Saggit chapter 1 . 1/14/2001
Disgustingly, wonderfully perverse satire. I loved every minute of it. Nice writing style, too. Dry, and under-stated.
FallenDruid chapter 1 . 1/7/2001
Man, you are smokin some strange stuff. Where can I get some? ) But seriously, this is very good. Fascinating stuff.
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