Reviews for Equinoxium
gginsc chapter 12 . 8/25/2018
Oh, come on! This is just too much! Why should Buffy be the one to create the evil?
Just a Blank Space chapter 36 . 8/19/2018
I love it so much, and I was certain it was to end with her death! It was a surprise that survived.
hawa.kania chapter 36 . 5/10/2018
This is good. Brilliant. But i don't really like the ending. I don't know if it is because i personally like unhappy endings or if the end is just a bit strained. Just well you know, don't force things. But it's still good tho
Guest chapter 36 . 12/5/2017
Wow, so good!
Angela.Qrow chapter 36 . 10/16/2017
Soooo Beautiful.
HayFever96 chapter 36 . 6/18/2017
This story was utterly magnificent.
I loved the gravity and the emotion on it; it tore me to pieces and have me hope and tore me to pieces again.
I enjoyed this story; thank you for sharing this eventful and most unforgettable adventure with us
good job chapter 36 . 4/20/2017
with the way this story has been going the ENTIRE TIME i thought you were going to have buffy captured and raped one last time for good measure. BUT you resisted! good job!
rinse and repeat chapter 18 . 4/20/2017
captured and tortured. captured and tortured. captured and tortured. this story is extremely formulaic, and you are very much making buffy the damsel in distress.
wow chapter 11 . 4/20/2017
its like a contest between you guys. almost all of the lotr crossovers on this site have the same formula. hero goes to middle earth, hero is tortured horribly. the more disturbing the better it seems.
tadah2 chapter 26 . 3/6/2017
And of course he got away. Really.
tadah2 chapter 25 . 3/6/2017
It's really getting old that no one seems to be able to catch onto Vashnaks bullshit. The element of surprise here is gone.
tadah2 chapter 4 . 3/6/2017
This is excellent!
patricia.pc chapter 25 . 4/30/2016
Best story ever. It has me dying of stress
patricia.pc chapter 22 . 4/28/2016
I'm so in love with this story! I had to stop several times because I was too stressed out about Buffy. You have a true beautiful talent for writing and conveying emotions. I'm really, really glad I happened on this story
Amu4ever chapter 6 . 1/8/2016
Ok, so, while it was quite obvious from your previous chapters it is unavoidable to notice now. This story is dark...and not the kind of dark that brings about an adrenalin rush.

This is soul-blackening depression mixed up with a sense of helplesness and bitterness. It's the kind of story for all those, who have given up all hope for a better future.

It's like an end-of-the-world story, tough I guess even the fighters there would be merrier. This is simply, because Buffy as well as Legolas are at the ends of their wits.

She was willing to kill herself, willing to die for those she loves. And now that they are gone? She has nothing to loose, no reason to live, she will just "fade", though more in a destrutctive way.

I have seen the summary for the continuation of this story "There is no happy ending for heroes" that really what you think? Is that what your beliefs are based on? That no matter how hard you try - how good you are - you will only suffer?

What kind of world view is that? Can you really life with that kind of mind-set? Sounds way more like surviving to me.

Also, this kind of world view is a one-way-ticket into depression.

I don't agree. In fact I refuse to even consider this. After all if our world was so far gone that all heroes amongst us have to die without gaining the happiness they deserve to then what is the point of living? What's the point in trying your best, if everyone who really tries to help - who is a hero in his own right - is doomed, anyway?

No, the world is harsh, but not all is lost. There is a happy ending for some, if not for all, heroes out there.

It really makes me sad to think about what kind of agony you have had to go through to become so bitter and wary of the world...
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