Reviews for The Real Voldemort
Guest chapter 2 . 6/30/2019
ok, review. Harry acts his age. I think this on itself all alone makes it an interesting story. In other books, there are very few children or if they are the hero, they remain the same age.
Second, fate. Yes, there is fate in the books as predicted by Sibyl Trelawney, but people could twist it this way or that way.
Third, all those dead people. That is war. War is like this. People dying at young age. It is awful and we should not allow it. :(((
trecebo chapter 2 . 3/10/2019
OMG! This is hilarious and so true!
Ranuel chapter 1 . 8/21/2016
Rowling frustrates me so much for all the reasons you have here and more. So much potential and she manages to cock things up time and again. I haven't read past the first couple of chapters of Half-Blood Prince (except for the epilogue) and I'm quite happy to get by with what I know from Wiki and fanworks.
H chapter 2 . 6/16/2012
Hi. Confusing but good story. Not quite show how J.K Rowling would take it. Why did you call it the Real Voldermort when only the beginning is about voldermort? xoxo H
uuh chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
Calyn chapter 1 . 9/19/2010
Pardon me for using textspeak here, but:

LOL. LOL. LOL. Did I say LOL?
Gabi1994 chapter 2 . 7/20/2010
haha! you are a braver soul than I. i love this kind of cannon bashing, and i really hate the fate/dream/destiny endings author's always like to kill my soul with.

thanks for this. it made my day _
Meneldur chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
*Standing Ovation*

I loved this work. It was amzing, airing out exactly all the arguements I always use when explaining why Harry Potter sucks.

Harry was filled with Wangst. He was so anti-heroic it was preposterous! Weak, impulsive, unorganized, unambitious!Rowling had to pull out that Deus ex Machina called 'The Elder Wand' in order for him to win!

Of course, you concentrated a lot on Sirius Black, but there's nothing wrong with that - each of us took his own path to get to the end. My problem with Sirius, besides all that you mentioned, was that I was sure he would come back. He was hit with a red curse and fell through some 'veil'. Doesn't mean he's dead! Even after the last book, we have no idea where the 'veil' truly leads! He could be alive in some AU (read: fanfic)!

Your point about time was always my primary arguement as well. 'Already, our mind are joining, we are becoming as one'.

May HP Fanfiction rule forever! Long life and many stories, both read and written to us both.

PS. Sorry if I'm a bit harsh. I'm in the middle of a long fast.
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 6/11/2010
Brava! And what brilliant revenge to have her most hated (by her) character still left in the Shrieking Shack, unburied.

After all, a potions master dying of a snakebite when he had Arthur Weasley's example before him? I don't think so.
Spidey-phd chapter 1 . 3/31/2010
Hurray! Down with the evil Rowling! Destroyer of dreams and a potentially good series!
ElfIcarii chapter 2 . 9/2/2008
Thought I'd take a look. Awesome! Heh, everyone needs to do a frustration-based fic once in awhile.
ApolloPheonixTear chapter 2 . 8/2/2008
That is the most brilliant story that I have ever read. *bows down*
Vaneria Potter chapter 2 . 6/24/2008
I'm australian, but to me a 'berk' is an idiot and 'git' is synonomous with 'jerk'.

Loved this fic, by the way. I couldn't force myself through HBP more than once, and DH was little more than a glorified camping trip. And don't get me started on the last few chapters, where Mrs Weasly is suddenly a better fighter than three witches put together and Hermione forgets about the impending battle to jump Ron when he suggests getting rid of the House Elves.

Honestly, if someone had posted Rowling's last 3 books on any fanforum, it would have been flamed into ashes within a week.
Turquoise Girl chapter 2 . 5/10/2008
Don't rightly know what "git" or "berk" means myself, but I enjoyed the first chapter.

"I'm a fanfiction writer."

That was so cool.

Pandora of Ithilien chapter 1 . 1/11/2008
wow... i thought i was upset after ootp. *remembers furious letter written by an unhappy-twelve-year-old that got lost and was never sent.* but since it was sirius that set you off, i can hope that you won't kill him in the EC. have to admit, that thought worried me a bit, particularly in shield of david. still, you were a bit harsh on jkr. none of us would be able to play with these characters and fix what bothered us if she hadn't gotten the ball rolling. so we owe her that much. no matter what she mucked up, she gave us a fantastic world to work with - though some of those here seem to prefer totally mutilating it.
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