Reviews for Past Lives
Perdyta chapter 1 . 3/30/2009
I really enjoyed this! 100 word drabbles are so difficult to write, at least in my opinion, but I've never attempted a crossover 100 word drabble! The simplicity of this is perfect and you are a very good writer.
Lydia Lecter chapter 1 . 12/27/2007 should continue on this...please?

- S.A. Kris
EclipseKlutz chapter 1 . 12/12/2003
Um... it's short. Confusing. And erm, you should put that you're using characters from Pirates of the Caribbean in your disclaimer- even if you're only mentioning them. Just letting you know, this isn't a flame its constructive critisim... sorry.
aikakone chapter 1 . 11/29/2003
Oh! Entirely too short! I know you wrote that it was only 100 words, but I didn't realize how little that was.
Now I'll have to check to see if you've written more fic.