Reviews for Narellus
hisluv chapter 3 . 5/27/2005
another symantec! I'm going to cry. oh well, it'll give me plenty to do while my school's closed for a week long holiday.

Thank God for authors like you!
the overmind chapter 2 . 3/6/2004
I like this. I mean really! But the Xindi humanoids don't really have stomache to murder people. Only the reptilians and insectoids have the will to shoot people in cold blood (literally).
In the recent episode "Azati Prime", Degra was really sad that "the majority [of the humans] of the dead would be innocents and children." It
Ocean chapter 5 . 12/16/2003
Great story as usual Plumtuckered, thanks for sharing. Loved the interaction between Trip/Tpol/Archer.
Atomic chapter 5 . 11/4/2003
Oh Man this is great!

I am really looking forward to your next story!

Please dont let us wait for too long!
The Watch Stander chapter 1 . 10/23/2003
This was great. The interplay between the characters was very well written (as always) Thanks for a really great story!
zealousgirl chapter 5 . 10/23/2003
As always, plumtuckered, you never fail to entertain me with your wonderful stories. I like how you made this shippy but without them just jumping into things all hot and heavy - which would totally be out of character. Interesting twist here, by having something happen on the Deuterium station before what we saw on the actual episode - seemed quite plausible! Thanks again, and I will continue to keep an eye out for more of your tales.
Tracy-TheNaggingCube chapter 5 . 10/23/2003
I always enjoy your stories! and this is no exception.

I love that you mostly post multi-part complete stories!

*sigh* Trip treating T'Pol and all they discussed. Super job. It works so well.

The ending conversation between Jon and Trip... well done well told.
Tracy-TheNaggingCube chapter 5 . 10/23/2003
I always enjoy your stories! and this is no exception.

I love that you mostly post multi-part complete stories!

*sigh* Trip treating T'Pol and all they discussed. Super job. It works so well.

The ending conversation between Jon and Trip... well done well told.
shuttlepod-1 chapter 5 . 10/23/2003
Thanks for the story. I really liked it. I wondered if anyone else had realized how distant the commander and captain had gotten with each other. Archer has become all business and at times I think he is irritated with Trip. I hope the show addresses this problem because I like the chemistry between the two men and I miss it. Regarding T'pol and Trip I want the relationship to go very slow. At this point Trip only views T'pol as a means to an end. Sleep. T'pol seems to have softened more than he has. Trip still views her as a Vulcan therefore he's not interested. We'll just have to wait and see how it progresses. I think something catastrophic needs to happen for Trip to see T'pol in a different light.
Rocky chapter 5 . 10/22/2003
Great story so far. I love the portrayals of Trip and T'Pol. And I like that you don't portray Archer like an incompetent Captain which (IMHO) other TT Trippersb tend to do in the telling of their tales. Consequently, the realism and impact of your storytelling is not compromised.
Lowenove chapter 5 . 10/22/2003
That was just excellent.(as always:)) Thank you.