Reviews for A Change of Heart
Padfoot the second chapter 45 . 7/20/2018
Hey I LOVED the story up to here but I was wondering wether you were still updating this story I’ve read the whole story around three times and I’m desperate to find out what happens next.
TwilightNight chapter 45 . 1/11/2017
Ok I love this story. I'm so sad it hasn't been finished
paddfoot.1 chapter 45 . 2/20/2016
well its been many years since you updated so you probably wont do it now! But if by chance you read this, please update!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
Guest chapter 45 . 5/31/2015
I stayed up until one in the morning last night reading this even though I had to get up at six this morning. And then as soon as I got home? Yep, you guessed it! The first thing I did was to go over to my phone to read the last fifteen chapters of this. I just finished this chapter and I have no idea what to do now, help me out with a new chapter? :) PLEASE!
JamesBlackBabe chapter 45 . 12/3/2014
This is the best fanfic of Lily and James I've read. Funny and romantic with a large dash of mystery. I love it. Plz write more soon!
Potterhead chapter 45 . 8/2/2013
I freaking love your series. I read the whole thing in two days. I have no life so please write more chapters. I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO LILY AND JAMES. Okay thanks.

P.s Lily James Lame...thought of that while reading this.
love forever chapter 45 . 5/12/2011
you should really get your next chapter out i was kinda disapointed about where you left it this is one of my favorite storys on fan fic you should really get it out and once you do you should have lily and james get together because i was bawling (only in my mind :) everytime they would fight! PLEASE get the next chapter out i want to read the end :) you should make cat go out with someone so sirius can get jelous too :) IM LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEXT CHAPTER once you get it out you should email me at or

thanx i luv your story
GoodBook chapter 45 . 8/27/2010
I dislike writing, so I made an acount to review. So far, ur doing a great job, keep it up!
mystery chapter 36 . 7/20/2010
ok will u just stop putting the reviews on the page and right more
Opinionated1234 chapter 45 . 6/6/2010
Haha wicked story :) Write more please. But my advice, dont know i'f you'll take it though, is that cliffies are good, you need suspense. But don't leave them to long otherwise the readers lose interest. Love the characters, Sirius is hilarious, and do him and Cat get together properly? What about Lils and James?
anonymous chapter 45 . 4/4/2010
amazing i really enjoyed it so far just a few questions:

How many chapters are you going to do all together?

when are lilly and james going to get together?

do you know any good long lilly and james stories i could read?

are you going to do a bit more on remusmaria?

has abbey gone now ?

plese tell me when your next going to update and ill review from now on
anime9stars chapter 21 . 2/14/2010
aw...i love it...that was awesome.
anime9stars chapter 20 . 2/13/2010
what the heck! those two. just get to it already. i'll say i am extremely glad there was no cliff hanger. but i would still like to know lily's secret.
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