Reviews for Two Sides of a Coin
Dudi Dove chapter 26 . 8/23/2013
One of the best stories I've ever read..(Thumbs up)..

But it's really SAD that it's INCOMPLETE.! I really wanna know what's in the end! (Shed Tears)..

Please, please! Even after all this time.. Please consider writing the final chapters of this fic.. It's worth it.. "if u've started something, finish it"..
skynight chapter 26 . 12/5/2010
hope you will continue and update this story again :)
Faceless Queen chapter 26 . 7/1/2010
Love the story plz continue soon. :}
Tears Parallel chapter 26 . 4/2/2010
It's been five years since this story has last been updated. As optimistic as it sounds, hopefully one day you'll come and update this story?

(What, we aren't going to see Takouji just after they both confessed and Takuya realizes "Prince Kouichi" is actually Kouji?"
banana chapter 26 . 10/28/2009
I assume you are never ever going to finish this are you? *sobs*
Chris Darkheart chapter 26 . 3/11/2009
write more soon please
Zoleth chapter 26 . 4/12/2007
I can't believe that I haven't review this chapter before... but I remember this fic almost as if I were reading it yesterday, and after I write this I feel that I'm going to go back an reread it... however, it'd make me feel much better reading it if I knew if it was going to continue or not.
Aerial-Wings chapter 26 . 12/31/2006
Wow...that was awesome. Yeah. Love the twists and turns in this fanfic. Hope you update soon. PLZ update soon.
MysticMaiden 18 chapter 26 . 8/28/2006
hope you update soon really col
eclipsedlight chapter 26 . 7/10/2006
This damn good. You can't just leave it there! Update soon please.
Axelsfireangel chapter 26 . 6/25/2006
this story is soo...cute! Please continue
TIBryant chapter 26 . 4/3/2006
Oh my! Kouji n Kouichi! Please continue!

(And add a bit of Koukou! xD I wouldn't be IP without the Koukou, would I?)
Fighter Tsunade chapter 26 . 1/3/2006
OMG! I LOVE THIS FIC! -settles down- Just thinking about Kouichi makes fangirlish. O.o And the Takouji in it...hawt. This is good. Keep it going!
Sysanet chapter 26 . 12/31/2005
This is a cool story, please finish it!
Sysanet chapter 1 . 12/7/2005
I started reading this a while back and it was good. I don't normally read yaoi but my friend gets me to. I hope to catch up on the chapters. AWESOME STORY!
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