Reviews for The Loo
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2018
Everything. Everything. The fight was so intense it was beautiful. I am like over 15 years late but it’s still really really if this was a movie/TV show drama it would have 10 out of 10 views from the critics. Great job and I hope you have a nice day/night. PS I like how you wrote Myrtle and Ginny as good friends .

Azerjaban chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
Lol! At Mertals last comment
Die Libelle chapter 3 . 11/4/2006
i gives ye both 50 thumbs-up

that was the best harry and ginny story ive read in a long while :D
swimminggodess21 chapter 1 . 12/23/2005

great story

it made me laugh and cry

keep up the good work~
batbogies chapter 3 . 9/8/2004
Absolutely lovely. Enough said.
WilloWeeper chapter 3 . 6/29/2004
AW! Sweeties! I love these ships! Of course there is the good old Ron and Hermione ship. I was a bit surprised Ron managed to get Hermione to agree to a make out session so early in the relationship! He must have some powerful persuasive skills! *suggestive wink* And then the good old Orange Crush; Ginny and Harry. Got to love that ship! Even if I have been recruited onto their rival boat, the H/Lu ship. Ah well, this was my first Harry pairing and i've still got quite the special place in my heart for it! Great story! Oh and I loved the Crookshanks part at the end.
Taylor chapter 1 . 6/16/2004
Thank you for giving us that little note at the end. I am glad to know that there was no diplay of kissing in the common room and that there were no house elfs gurt as I am a active supporter of S.P.E.W. (not really) But I really liked your story. Please make a sequel.
deity of death1 chapter 3 . 2/25/2004
Great job!
Belinde Maline chapter 3 . 6/28/2003
Thank you for that most excellent read.

I'm a huge h/g, r/hr fan, so you definatly tickled my fancy!
lolo12red chapter 3 . 3/9/2003
really good.
Pseudonym Sylphmuse chapter 3 . 12/6/2002
I must add this to my favorite stories list. Funniest romance I've ever read, laughing so hard that I can hardly breath. And Myrtle that was great with her actually having a personality and being nosy. You wouldn't mind if I used that now would you? I hope not because I think I have an idea for a future chapter in my story with Ginny in them.
Madame Rosmerta chapter 3 . 8/20/2002
H/G and R/H! All the way! Oh, and...OH MY GOD...Crookshanks and Mrs. Norris...THAT is my new favorite couple. OH my GOD...
sonadora virtuoso7 chapter 3 . 12/27/2001
ohh, u'r good... i've read a lot of r/hr fics with ginny/harry to the side, but none of them have totally converted me to a ginny/harry shipper... i must say, its a bit weird thinking of them like that, but i dunno, u made it sound really sweet:) good job with the story!
Elorapid chapter 3 . 12/26/2001
Yes, Harry and Ginny all the way! Erm, sorry.
JellyBean chapter 3 . 9/26/2001
Can you please write more, it's good and I like the part about Mrs Norris and crookshanks (altough I thought Crook was agirl, but hey- this is fanfiction)
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