Reviews for Drowning
cupid'slove chapter 10 . 12/25/2014
I won't lie, I'm very pissed about the ending but the rest of the story makes up for it. It was new and original and that I am extremely glad about. I'm looking forward to ready any other stories you have and will write. YAY for awesome writers!
Amruniel chapter 10 . 2/3/2014
Ich hab keine Ahnung, ob du das hier je lesen wirst - aber trotzdem:

Ich bin (wie immer etwas später als alle anderen ;) ) durch Zufall über diese Story gestolpert und kann eigentlich nicht genug sagen, wie toll, wie grandios, wie unfassbar genial sie ist. Du hast da wirklich einen kleinen Diamanten in einem leider oft eintönigen Fandom geschaffen!
Ich liebe deine Interpretation des so oft zitierten "fadings", so, wie du es geschrieben hast, ist es tausend mal näher, stärker, ergreifender, als dieses langsame, gefasste, noble dahinschwinden, das man sonst so oft findet.

Ich kann eigentlich nur schweigend meinen Hut vor dir ziehen! (Und gleichzeitig bewundern, wie toll du in einer Sprache, die nicht deine ist, schreibst... Auch dafür unendliche Anerkennung)

Vielen vielen Dank für die schönen Stunden, die du mir geschenkt hast!
Sofia - Norway chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
Wow, I really enjoyed your style of writing. The descriptions and details are amazing, in addition to your portrayal of Legolas. Very much looking forward to read the whole story.

Thank you!
musiclover67 chapter 10 . 12/28/2010
Oh my Gosh...

I don't even know where to begin.

Part of me wants to yell, just to start going on and on about how unfair it is that you decided to randomly end it like this. That you should've given some kind of warning indicating there would be no ending...

But I can't because this is brilliant.

All of the fanfiction I've read (and believe me, I've read a lot) I've never been so...what's the word I'm looking for...blown away.

Though I can't exactly relate to Legolas, ha, I became attached to him. And after reading how he's just so sad. I never realized until this chapter what was going on. As you could see in my previous reviews, I was making all sorts of predictions. But in the end, I realized that Legolas was actually fading...that he was losing himself and wasn't aware, which made him think he was going insane.

I don't know why I'm reiterating the story as if you aren't the one who wrote it haha.

I just wanted to let you know that, even though I'm surprised by this, I actually really enjoyed this story.

And as much as my slightly-girly-and-in-need-for-a-happy-ending-side is screaming at you to make a sequel, I don't think you should make one.

I feel like doing that would make it just like any other fanfiction story out there.

It would take away the beauty of it.

I realize that you updated this story with this last chapter 5 years ago, but I couldn't go without leaving you a review.

Hopefully you still check on this site, or look for reviews, though if you don't, it's fine.

Just wanted to give you my take on this whole thing and say that I really, truly loved what you did with this story.

Congratulations; you're an excellent writer.

~ Bri
musiclover67 chapter 6 . 12/28/2010
YES! He finally talked to Aragorn! An added bonus: he told Aragorn about how he's going nuts! Thank God. You're really trippin me out with these dreams haha. Everytime I think it's real and then all of the sudden he wakes up and I'm always like "oh crap!" haha!
musiclover67 chapter 5 . 12/28/2010
Well obviously I'm wrong about this whole thing being Arwen. Wow...I don't even know what to say. This story is so INTRIGUING! I just want to know what's going on, and if this is all a figment of Legolas' imagination or if this is someone else's doing!
musiclover67 chapter 2 . 12/28/2010
Ok, can elves be schitzophrenic? Haha actually, I'm just going to make a wild prediction here and say that this is Arwen doing all of this. I feel like she has the power to do that, and she probably found out about Aragorn and Legolas and is trying to get rid of Legolas...just my guess though. Ok on with the reading!
musiclover67 chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
Whoa this was a crazy beginning haha. I'm kind of confused as to what's going on, but I imagine that's kind of the point. Anywho, greay start! I'm on to read the rest
kura-wolfgoddess chapter 10 . 2/18/2010
I applaud your choice of an ending. It has that wow factor that I both look for and attempt to write in stories. This story is truly a work of art. You have made the insanity a real thing, and tempt people to actually think about what is happening in the story rather than feeding it to them as if they were toddlers. It is not just some mindless brain candy, this story is crafted in such an ingenious way, I cannot grasp the right words to completely portray the way I feel about it. Very well done!
renlacarne chapter 10 . 1/28/2008
WTF indeed...i'm very unhappy...make a prologue?

pls? *puppy eyes*
Tai-sensei chapter 10 . 3/1/2007
So much angst and pain. It was kickass. I loved the description and the power behind your words. It made me very sad to see Legolas suffer so much but I couldn't stop reading. Thanks so much for posting Best wishes and good waves.
Deep Color chapter 10 . 12/20/2006

This was a good story. I have only good things to say about it, as the way you played up the scenes in this were so well done that I’m convinced entirely that you pore over this for at least 20 hours a day to scrutinize every single thing you wrote. Which, apparently, you didn’t do, because you mentioned that you don’t reread before posting. -_- which, also, by the way, leads me to another point: This story would have been so much better if you had thought of having it edited or something. And your use of the English language is note-worthy as well, even if you said that it wasn’t your native language. A few spelling brush-ups would up the quality of this piece, but it’s not a big deal to worry about.

This is a really nice story, in the way it was written. In my opinion, any story, no matter how clichéd or undignified the plot seems to be, would turn out wonderful [at least in my eyes], if well-written. Kudos to you and keep it up.

Oh, and I’d love to see a sequel as well. :)

Deep Color
IKnowATard chapter 10 . 5/17/2006
*Screams in frustration and despair* If you don't write a sequel, I'LL fade! God, you're evil, torturing us like this! *Twitches* MUST HAVE SEQUEL!
Legolas Meleth-nin chapter 10 . 12/6/2005
omg it was an amazing story, but I so expected a happy ending! I would love to enjoy a sequal but my heart would weep for the couple
Duchess Curry chapter 10 . 7/15/2005
This piece of fiction has been utterly important to me. Because of it, I got interested in slash. I have watched Legolas fall with it, and have seen the story come alive though your words. I didn't expect the ending, and it wasn't a happy ending, but it was a good one. The hidden depths to it swirled around, making it even more real. I appraciate your explination at the end; it helped me see what was there.

I hope that you will write something more to this; whether or not it's happy. I also hope that even if you don't post it here, that you would let me know where to find it; and other things that you have written. My e-mail is I that you will take this into you, and that it stirs something, as your fiction has inpsired me to write.
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