Reviews for Judging Fanfic
Nimbus 1944 chapter 1 . 6/2/2015
The author apologizes to his characters; times have changed something! When I wrote of taking "a jug of wine and a can of Cool-Whip" on a date in 2003, the Cool-Whip was meant as a completely innocuous, out-of-place item. Now, 12 years later, our local police are actually finding empty topping cans galore along the roadsides. No, the dopey users didn't want the Cool-Whip; they were sniffing the aerosol accelerant to get high! Sorry, Hermione; sorry, Draco.
AuroraAustralice chapter 1 . 10/10/2013
I loved it :D Very original and interesting. I love the dialogue, the pacing and each persons individual comments. Humorous to say the least, I hope you continue this :)
seulgi26 chapter 1 . 1/7/2010
This is very funny and original, I'm surprised. Please continue this. _
Califaction chapter 1 . 10/4/2007

Humorous and clever, as usual. I loved Hermione's changing book titles, Draco's confessed love for Pomona, and Dumbledore's profanity-blocker. I notice you didn't even break the house elves' contract for your fic 'Allies,' and gave Hermione a leading role in 'Life As A Cat' (in which I loved your matter-of-fact situational humor). Thanks for a whole passel of funny, original ficlets!
Ahyanah chapter 1 . 4/21/2007
BajaB chapter 1 . 8/23/2006
Ok, this is going on my favourites, and you in going to be in there too.

Extremely amusing and very, very clever. You'll have me doubting the content of my own fics from now on.

Really orginal, especially the language spell. I haven't finished reading all of your stories yet, but I hope there are more featuring that anti-swearing charm and, if not, please do another one soon!
Possum132 chapter 1 . 2/7/2006
Snicker, snicker - Ron should be worried, since Ollivander disappeared in HBP ...
Bagge chapter 1 . 9/19/2005

Seems like both Hermione and Draco could have some more comments, after the stories you have written after this one...
Brooke Monroe chapter 1 . 12/4/2004
haha. well "shamelessly flogging them" worked, i'm off to read more of your stuff.

member Pay it Forward

Brooke Monroe
grammar conscious possum chapter 1 . 8/8/2004
This is a brilliant piece of work. Zorro, Draco/Sprout, cow pies... all the elements needed for a classic (and, like ALL your literary works that I have read so far, original) Potter spoof. I am tempted to steal your storyline and use it, fanfic-style.
ela-chan chapter 1 . 6/5/2004
*pokes ficlet and sniggers*

Hey Nimbus, how big is this broomstick of yours ... OW!

(Heh. Sorry, couldn't resist! I adore this!)
Tinuviel Storm chapter 1 . 4/26/2004
wicked funny! haha Hermione and Draco so have to end up together. none of this him and the old herbology cow, ok?
toriisen chapter 1 . 3/17/2004
Hehehehe! Zorro attacked Potter! Or he was Zorro during those 11 years after he killed Lilly and James? Hmm...
Kewen chapter 1 . 12/28/2003
That was great! Really original and funny. I love the Draco/Sprout part, one of the few pairings I haven’t thought of yet. Thanks for reviewing my fic, and I'm off to go and read some more of yours!
Ronandchicken chapter 1 . 12/11/2003
This is absolutly classic, the best idea for a story I've read. Making cases against the fanfics. And you made it so funny (and found a good way of avoiding bad language, heh.)
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